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176) The ovum of Mary must definitely have been used in Christ's conception


The Orthodox doctrine of "ancestral sin" makes them far more blasé about the subject of whether the actual ovum of Mary was used in the conception of Christ, or whether his conception in her womb was wholly miraculous without use of her ovum. It is not so much a denial of her ovum being used as that it is a dogma her ovum must have been used, but when it suits them the Orthodox will also say their only dogmas are in the Creed. 

186) The ovum of Mary must definitely have been used in Christ's conception - so far as I understand Orthodoxy insists that you must believe that the actual ovum of Mary was used in the conception of Christ ( the prophecy quoting thy "seed" does not necessarily mean "her ovum") and not that his conception was entirely miraculous but in her womb without the ovum used. I am not denying her ovum was used, but I do question forcing young believers to form a definite doctrine on this. To them it is an essential or more central issue as to them the hypostatic union heals corporate human nature. The belief that Mary's ovum must be used is of less controversy as they do not believe in original sin, (Catholics believe the conception of Mary herself was miraculous). ( Mary ) ( salvation )   ​

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