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This dictionary might alternatively have been entitled 

Dictionary of Eastern Orthodox religious witchcraft paraphernalia .

definition: Churchianity - emphasis on rites, rituals and formulaic traditions in the church buildings, and solidarity with a perceived church not God or Christianity. This religious disease is often referred to as the High Church error.

Most of the words and phrases in this vocabulary are about churchianity in Eastern Orthodoxy, that is about man-made customs, rites, traditions, ceremonies, uniforms, religious trappings, architecture and such like, with which the Whore of Babylon (Rome) and her daughters (the various Orthodox churches) have deceived all nations with the spirit of an idol ridden and anti gospel false religion.


Aër. (Sl. Vozdukh). The largest of the three veils used for covering the paten and the chalice during or after the Eucharist. It represents the shroud of Christ. When the creed is read, the priest shakes it over the chalice, symbolizing the descent of the Holy Spirit.


Akathistos Hymn. A hymn of praise comprising twenty-four stanzas and sung at the Salutation Services, dedicated to Virgin Mary Theotokos. It is divided into four parts, one part sung on each Friday of the Great Lent. On the fifth Friday, the entire set is sung in commemoration of a miracle performed by the Virgin in Constantinople (626 A.D.). The hymn is also known as "Salutations" (Gr. Heretismoi).


Agape. (the Easter Vespers Service) / 


Alb. (Lat.; Gr. stichari[on]; Sl. Podriznik). The long white undergarment of the clergy, with close sleeves, worn under the chasuble or the sakkos.


Altar. (Hebr. "a place of sacrifice"; Gr. hieron; Sl. prestol). In Orthodox architecture, the term signifies the area of the sanctuary divided from the rest of the church by the iconostasis.


Altar bread. (see Prosphoro) / 


Altar Table. (Gr. Hagia Trapeza; Sl. Prestol). The square table in the middle of the altar, made of wood or marble, on which the Eucharist is offered. It is dressed with the "Altar Cloth" and contains the relics deposited there by the consecrating bishop. The center of the table is occupied by the folded Antiminsion, on which the ceremonial gospel book is placed, and behind this is the tabernacle with the "reserved gifts."

Ambo: The Ambo (or Amvon), in an Orthodox church building, is the space immediately in front of the Royal Doors. It is the place where the Gospel is normally read and the sermon is given. In many churches, the ambo has one or more curved steps between it and the lower part of the nave.


Ambon. (pulpit)./ 

Analogion (lectern). Confession does not take place in a confessional, but normally in the main part of the church itself, usually before an analogion set up near the iconostasion

Anaphora.  (Greek - offering) The major prayer of the Divine Liturgy 2 (q.v.) during which the gifts (q.v.) are consecrated. The Eastern Orthodox equivalent to the Canon in the Roman Mass. See also "Epiklesis."


​Analogion. (Gr. Sl. analoy). A wooden stand or podium placed on the right side of the soleas near the south door of the altar. Usually with a sloped top, it is used as a stand for the gospel book or an icon.


Anteri. (see cassock) / 


Antidoron. (Gr. "instead of the gift"). A small piece of the altar bread (prosphoron) given to each of the faithful after the celebration of the Eucharist. Originally it was given to those who could not take communion, but it became a practice for it to be offered to all the faithful.


Antimens or Antiminsion. 0r ​Antimension: (Gr. and Lat. compounds, "in place of a table"; Sl. Antimins). It is a rectangular piece of cloth, of linen or silk, with representations of the entombment of Christ, of the four Evangelists, and with scriptural passages related to the Eucharist. The antimens must be consecrated by the head of the church (a Patriarch or Archbishop) and must always lie on the Altar Table. No sacrament, especially the Divine Liturgy, can be performed without a consecrated antimens.

Antimension – Known as a Corporal in the Western churches, this altar cloth is the Bishop’s blessing for a priest to perform the Divine Liturgy; it is consecrated with Holy Chrism, signed by the Bishop, and often contains relics, usually of a martyr. No sacrament, especially the Divine Liturgy, can be performed without a consecrated antimens.


Antiphon. (Gr. "alternate utterance or chanting").

A short verse from the scriptures, especially the psalms, sung or recited during the liturgy and other church services.

Any verse or hymn sung or recited by one part of the choir or chanters in response to another part.

Apocrypha. (Gr. "hidden or secret"). Some of the books of the Bible not accepted by all denominations of Christians as true and divinely inspired. Some of them were written much later but attributed to important individuals of the apostolic times, thus bearing a misleading title (pseudepigrapha).

Apodosis.: eave-taking of a Feast (generally occurring eight days after the Main Feast Day). The last day a particular feast is celebrated. The Apodosis of Pascha is 39 days after Pascha; The Nativity's Apodosis is December 31. Generally, the services on the Apodosis are almost identical to those on the feast day itself.


Apolytikion. (Gr. "dismissal"). The dismissal hymn sung in honor of a saint, Christ, or the Virgin Mary on the occasion of their feast day, especially at the end of the Vespers Service.

Aposticha.  Hymns accompanied by verses sung at Vespers (q.v.) , and -at the end of weekday Matins (q.v.).

Artoclasia. (see Vespers). / A service, usually celebrated during Great Vespers (q.v) 4 during which bread (Greek - Artos), wine and oil are blessed.


Asterisk. (Gr. "little star"; Sl. Zvezditsa). A sacred vessel having two arched metal bands held together in such a fashion as to form the shape of a cross. It is placed on the paten and serves to prevent the veil from touching the particles of the Eucharist.

Axios. (Gr. "worthy"). An exclamation made at ordination to signify the worthiness of the individual chosen to become a clergyman.



Baptismal Font. (see kolymbethra). / 


Baptismal Garments. (Gr. Fotikia or baptisika; Sl. krizhma). The garments brought by the godparent to dress the infant immediately after the immersion in Baptism. In Orthodoxy, these garments are considered sacred and must be either kept safely or destroyed by fire.


Baptismal Name. (Gr. onoma). The individual's name given in baptism, commonly the name of a saint who becomes the individual's Patron Saint. The baptismal names of the first-born are usually those of their grandparents.


Baptistry. A special room or area in the form of a pool for baptizing in the ancient Church. Gradually, it was replaced by the baptismal font (see kolymbethra).

Benediction. (Lat. "blessings to glorify God"). The closing blessing offered by a clergyman at the end of a service or other activity.


Benedictions & Salutations (such as a beatitude) / 

Biblical Odes. Nine Biblical canticles that form the theme for the nine odes of a canon (q.v). The nine odes are: (1) The Song of _Moses (Exodus 15:1-19), (2) The Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32:1-43), (3) The Prayer of Hannah (I Kings 2:1-10), (4) The Prayer of Habakkuk (Habakkuk 3:1-19), (5) The Prayer of Isaiah (Isaiah 26:9-20), (6) The - Prayer of Jonah (Jonah 2:3-10), (7) The Prayer of the Three Holy Children (The Song of the Three Holy Children 3-34), (8) The Song of the Three Holy Children (The Song of the Three Holy Children 3-66), and (9) The Song of the Theotokos and the Prayer of Zacharias (St. Luke 1:46-55,68-79).

Bright Week. The week following Pascha (q.v.).

Burial. (Gr. Taphe; Sl. Pogrebeniye). The act of interment of the dead body of one of the faithful in consecrated ground, according to the appropriate Orthodox rites and service of burial (Nekrosimos). The Church may deny an Orthodox burial to those who have committed a mortal sin such as blasphemy, suicide, denial of faith, or acceptance of cremation.

Byzantine. Forms of worship, church architecture, vestments and music stemming from the use of the Great Church of Constantinople. The vast majority of Orthodox Christians follow the Byzantine Rite in its various forms.


Byzantine rite.

  1. Performing church services according to the Eastern Orthodox tradition.

  2. Christians who belong to Roman Catholic jurisdictions and accept their beliefs, but follow the customs of the Greek Orthodox Church, celebrating the liturgy in Greek, Slavonic, or in their native language, but in the Orthodox fashion.



Calendars. (Julian and Gregorian - that rule their clockwork lifestyles) . They have brought a heathen Roman calendar, the Julian (named after Caesar), with false gods on it, into the Faith, when the Babylonian Calendar was used by the Jews, that also had false gods in it, and the Greeks had several heathen calendars too, but one would be more popular than others. Why pick the Roman Calendar? when the new testament was written down in Greek? The old calendar of the Jews, like the exact pronunciation of Yahweh, was lost in the Babylonian and Assyrian captivities,


Calendar. (Gr. Hemerologion). The yearly system determining the Orthodox holidays and hours. The Orthodox year begins on September 1. Because all feasts were arranged according to the Julian (old) Calendar, many Orthodox churches follow it to the present day, while other Orthodox churches have adopted the Gregorian (new) Calendar (since 1924). See also the article on the Calendar of the Orthodox Church.

There are two calendars in use in the Orthodox Church. In America, the Serbian, Carpatho-Russian, and several smaller jurisdictions follow the Old or Julian Calendar, which is thirteen days behind the Gregorian Calendar followed by the Greek, Antiochian and Orthodox Church in America. The majority of Orthodox Christians throughout the world follow the Old or Julian Calendar. All Orthodox follow the Old or Julian Calendar when calculating the date of Pascha (q.v.).

Canon of Matins. (a collection of hymns consisting of nine odes, the Heirmos, and sung at the Matins Service, the Orthros).


Canon of Scriptures: the bogus canon of scriptures used by Orthodoxy.Like the Roman Catholics they add bogus books to the old testament canon, that were never accepted by the Jews, like Bel and the Dragon, but they add more books than the Roman Catholics do. They like to say Protestants left these books out because they have evidence in them to support some of their more spurious traditions, in order not to discuss a good reason being they were never a part of the Jewish canon of old testament scriptures.


Canon Liturgical, which refers to all liturgical material, including the Creed, used for the Liturgy and the consecration of the Eucharist (see also kanon and Typikon).


Cassock. (Gr. Raso; Sl. ryassa). The long black garment with large sleeves worn by the Orthodox clergy as their distinct attire. Another such cassock with narrow sleeves (Gr. Anteri; Sl. Podrasnik) is worn under the cassock. It symbolizes the death of a clergyman to this world and his burial and subsequent dedication to God and his heavenly kingdom.


Catechism. A summary of doctrine and instruction, teaching the Orthodox faith in the form of questions and answers. The catechetical or Sunday school of each parish is responsible for such instruction of children or other faithful.

note: their sinister indoctrination process.

Censer. (Gr. Thymiato; Sl. kadillo). A metal vessel hung on chains, used in church ceremonies for burning incense. There are twelve small bells attached to the chains, representing the message of the twelve Apostles.

Chalice / 


Chant. (Gr. echos; Sl. glas). The music proper to the Orthodox services. There are eight tones or modes in the Orthodox Byzantine chant, chanted by the chanters or cantors.

chanting of the Canon.


Chapel. (Gr. Parekklisi[on]; Sl. Chasovnya). A side altar attached to a larger church or a small building or room built exclusively or arranged for the worship of God. A chapel can belong to an individual or an institution, or can be part of a parish church.


Chasuble. (Gr. feloni[on]; Sl. felon). A sleeveless garment worn by the presbyter in the celebration of the liturgy. Short in front, with an elongated back, and an opening for the head, it is one of the most ancient vestments of the Church, symbolizing the seamless coat of Christ.


Cherubic Hymn. (Gr. "the song of the angels"). Liturgical hymn sung after the Gospel-reading and during the Great Entrance. Its text in English is as follows:


"We, who mystically represent the Cherubim, And chant the thrice-holy hymn to the Life-giving Trinity, Let us set aside the cares of life That we may receive the King of all, Who comes invisibly escorted by the Divine Hosts."


Chrisom. (Gr. Ladopano; Sl. knzhma). A piece of white linen for the wrapping of the infant after Baptism. The Orthodox preserve it as a sacred object because it signifies the purity and holiness of the baptized Christian.


Chrism. (Gr. Myrron). Sanctified oil composed of several ingredients and fragrances, used in the sacrament of Chrismation (after Baptism). The Holy Chrism in the Orthodox Church is exclusively prepared by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and is blessed in a series of preparations and ceremonies. Holy Thursday is customarily the day of its consecration.

The term chrismation comes about because it involves anointing the recipient of the sacrament with chrism, which according to eastern Christian belief, the Apostles sanctified and introduced for all priests to use as a replacement for laying on of hands by the Apostles.

Chrism consists of a "mixture of forty sweet-smelling substances and pure olive oil" sanctified by a bishop with some older chrism added in, in the belief that some trace of the initial chrism sanctified by the Apostles remains therein.

Under normal circumstances, chrism is consecrated by the bishop of the particular church in the presence of the presbyterium at the Chrism Mass, which takes place in the morning of Holy Thursday. The oil of catechumens and the oil of the sick are also blessed at this Mass.


Chrismation. (see Baptism and Chrism). 

note: if the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox were once one church together, on what date did the Catholics supposedly drop using "apostolic chrism" from triple baptism of infants?


Christmas: the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on 25 December in the Catholic Church and Modern Eastern Orthodox, and 6th January by the Old Calendarists. The official sites like to miss it out their dictionaries as it is an immediate reminder the two dates for it refute that = Tradition is on a par with holy scripture.


Churching. (Gr. Sarantismos). A service of thanksgiving and blessing of women after childbirth. In the Orthodox church, this rite is performed on the fortieth day after birth and is reminiscent of the Old Testament ceremony of purification (Lev. 12: 2-8) and the presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Luke 2: 22-29).

Clergy awards. see ecclesiastical awards.


Communion. (Gr. koinonia). The receiving of the sacrament of the Eucharist after proper preparation, fasting, and confession. Orthodox Christians are encouraged to receive communion as often as possible, even daily.

See - Holy Eucharist


Communion of Saints. The Orthodox Church believes that all the people of God-members of the Church, either the living on earth or the departed in heaven-are in constant communion and fellowship with each other in faith, grace, and prayers, since they constitute one Body in Christ-the Church.


Compline. (Gr. Apodeipnon; Sl. Velikoye PovecheAye). A worship service performed after dusk. It is often combined with Vespers to form an all-night vigil. There is a Great Compline and its abridgement, known as Small Compline. Called the bedtime service of the Orthodox Church.


Confession. (Gr. Exomologisis). The act of confessing or acknowledgment of sins by an individual before God in the presence of a priest, who serves as a spiritual guide and confessor (pneumatikos) authorized to ask for forgiveness and to administer a penance.

Consecration of a Church / 


Crozier. a hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office.


Crowns. (Gr. Stephana). A metal crown or wreath made of cloth in the shape of lemon blossoms, with which the priest "crowns" the newlyweds during the sacrament of Matrimony. The crowns are white, signifying purity, and represent the power that is given to the newlyweds to become "king and queen" of their home.


crowns. (worn by their sanctimonious clergy whereas Jesus said = as the song says "If you want to be great, in God's Kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.).

Cuffs. (Greek - Epimanikia) Cuffs worn over the sleeves of a sticharion (q.v.) by a priest (q.v.) or bishop (q.v.), and over the sleeves of a exarasson (q.v.) by a deacon (q.v.). They symbolize the dependence of a minister on God rather than on his own strength.



Deanery. A group of several parishes headed by a Dean or Vicar who acts as a representative of the bishop. Several Deaneries form a Diocese (q.v.). DEIFICATION - (Greek -Theosis) The Orthodox concept of salvation as a process of growth during which the Holy Spirit transforms the believer 8 into the Image and Likeness of God and a partaker of The Divine Nature (ed. Essence). Orthodox theology does not describe salvation in juridical or legalisic terms. The Orthodox Church makes no distinction between justification and sanctification but sees both as part of one process of growth into salvation. See also "Synergy."

Dikirotrikera. (Gr. "set of two and three candles"). A set of two candleholders, one a double-branched candlestick and another a triple-branched, both used by the bishop in blessing at the liturgy. The Dikeron (double candleholder) signifies the two natures of Christ, while the Trikeron(triple candleholder) signifies the Holy Trinity.

Diocese.  An area headed by a bishop (q.v.), which is a part of a larger national Church headed by an Archbishop (q.v.), Metropolitan (q.v.), or Patriarch (q.v.).

Diptychs. (Gr. "folding boards").

  1. Lists of names of the living and dead, written on cardboard for their commemoration in the liturgy.

  2. An official roster of the names of the heads of Orthodox jurisdictions read during the liturgy by concelebrating bishops or by the head of an ecclesiastical jurisdiction.

Dikiri and Trikiri: The Blessing Candles only used by a Bishop during Divine Liturgy. They symbolize the Holy Trinity (3 Candles – Trikiri) and the Two natures of the Savior (2 Candles – Dikiri).

Diskos. The plate usually made of gold or silver resting an a small pedistal on which the bread is placed during the Praskomedia (q.v) for the Divine Liturgy (q.v).


Dismissal. (Gr. Apolysis; Sl. Otpust). The closing prayers and benediction, including the dismissal hymn (Apolytikion), in a church service.




Eagle. (Gr. Dikephalos aitos; Sl. Orletz). Small circular rug or permanent design on the church's floor, presenting a double-headed eagle with outstretched wings soaring over a city. It signifies the watchfulness and authority of the bishop over his diocese. The double-headed eagle was also the symbol of the Byzantine Empire.


Easter. (Gr. Pascha or Lambri). The feast day of the resurrection of Christ, known also as "the Feast of Feasts." It is the greatest Orthodox festival, celebrated the Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring equinox. It is a movable feast, and the dates of the other movable feasts of the Orthodox Church are calculated from it.


Ecclesia. (Gr. "the gathering of the people").

  1. The gathering of the faithful at the church for worship and fellowship;

  2. The church where the liturgy is celebrated;

  3. The Church as the Body of Christ.

Ecclesiastical. Whatever deals with or pertains to the Church and its life.

Ecclesiastical awards. are a means for recognizing and rewarding the clergy and laity for their efforts and achievements for Orthodoxy.

For Bishops::

1) promotion to the order of archbishop

2) Promotion to the order of metropolitan. .

3) Use of Primikiria. 

4) Wearing a second panagia

5) Precedence with the processional cross during divine services. 

For Priests:

1) Presbyter: able to wear the kalimafhi.

2) Promotion to Archpriest. non-monastics "'Very Reverend Father". 

3) Promotion to  Sakellarios: the right to wear the epigonation. (a priest responsible for sacred vessels).

3) Promotion to Oikonomos: given the right to wear the pectoral cross. (a priest responsible for finances).

4) Promotion to Protopresbyter: 

5) Right to wear the Nabedrennik

6) Right to wear the purple skufia (in ROCOR practice).

7) Right to wear the Kamilavka of violet color. 

8) Right to wear the gold pectoral cross. ​


For Monastic priests:

1) Promotion to Mitred Archpriest. Right to wear the Miter (without a cross on top): For Archpriests:. is called  and "Very Reverend Father". For Archpriests:

2) Promotion to Mitred Archpriest (with a cross on top). within the churches of the spiritual mission during divine services.

3) Promotion to Hieromonk: A monastic priest is able to wear the epanokalimafhi.2)

4) Promotion to Pnevmatikos: A priestmonk who can hear confessions (i.e. be a spiritual father).

5) Promotion to Hegumen. and is now called  'Very Reverend Igumen"

6) Promotion to Protopresbyter. For Mitred Archpriests:. now called "Very Reverend Father".

7) Promotion to Archimandrite. For Igumens. 'Right Reverend Archimandrite [name]'), and also has the right to wear the Miter (without a cross on top) during divine services.

8) Right to wear the Palitza

9) Right to wear the Decorated cross.

10) Right to celebrate the Divine Liturgy with open Royal Doors up to the Cherubic Hymn.

11) Right to celebrate the Divine Liturgy with open Royal Doors up to the Lord's Prayer.

12) Right to wear the Patriarchal cross. 

For deacons:

1) Promotion to Protodeacon. called 'Reverend Protodeacon".

2) Right to wear the Double orarion in divine services. 

For monastic deacons:

3) Promotion to Archdeacon.  "Reverend Archdeacon" [name]'. 

4) Right to wear the Kamilavka of violet colour. 

note: given in some detail as it is proof of a demonic Nicolaitan structure of detailed hierarchy within their fake church, and a "classical conditioning" rewards system. 

Ektenia. A Litany (q.v.) with a treble "Lord, have mercy" as the congregational response.


Ektenia / Ektenial. (Gr. "long" or "elongated"). A type of petition or litany used in Orthodox services, particularly in the liturgy. They refer to the world in general, peace, leadership, and those in need. The congregational response to an ektenial petition is "Lord have mercy."


Encyclical. (Gr. "moving in a circle"; "circulating"). A letter by the head of an Orthodox jurisdiction (Archbishop or Patriarch) to those under his spiritual authority. The content of such a letter may vary, but it must refer to specific administrative or spiritual topics concerning the faithful.


Engainia. (Gr. "blessing for renewal"). The ceremony of consecration of a new church, conducted only by a bishop. It is performed before the Eucharist, and it mainly consists of the washing of the Holy Table of the altar, the depositing of relics in it, and the blessing of the church icons.


Engolpion. (Gr. "upon the chest"). The bishop's medallion, usually of enamel and richly decorated with precious stones, hanging upon his chest and signifying his episcopal office.

Entrance. (Gr. Eisodos). The solemn procession of the celebrating clergy carrying the Gospel at the liturgy, after the antiphons (Small Entrance), and carrying the Holy Gifts during the chanting of the cherubic hymn (Great Entrance).A procession with the Gospel Book (q.v.), censer (q.v.), or gifts (q.v.). There is an Entrance with the censer (q.v.), or Gospel Book (q.v.) when a Gospel lesson is read during Great Vespers (q.v.). There are two Entrances during the Divine Liturgy (q.v.), the Little Entrance with the Gospel Book (q.v.) during the Liturgy of the Catechumens (q.v.) and the Great Entrance with the gifts (q.v.) at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Faithful (q.v.

​Eothinon. (Greek - Morning) The Gospel read a Matins (q.v.). On normal Sundays, the Gospel lesson is one of twelve readings that refer to a post-Resurrection appearance of Christ which are read in succession.


Epanokalymafko. The monastic black veil hanging over the back of the kalymafki of a celibate Orthodox clergyman, especially the prelate of a church (see kalymafki). Some Orthodox prelates of Slavic background wear white epanokalymafko.


Epigonation. (Gr. "on the knee"; Sl. Palitsa or Nabedrennik). An oblong or diamond shaped or rhomboidal vestment (approx. 12 x 12 inches) suspended from the belt and hung over the right side above the knee of a clergyman of higher rank. It signifies the cloth used by Christ to wipe his disciples' feet before the Last Supper and also signifies the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Epiklesis. The prayer invoking the Holy Spirit to transform the Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ during the Anaphora (q.v.). Although, Orthodox theologians avoid any effort to explain the exact nature of the change, the Orthodox Church teaches that through the action of the Holy Spirit, the Bread and Wine become the actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. It occurs shortly after the Words of Institution are spoken by the celebrant.

note: to the Protestants and Evangelicals this word and concept are blasphemous in the extreme.


Epitaphios / Epitaphion. (Gr. "on the tomb"; Sl. Plaschanitsa).

  1. The winding sheet on which the dead body of Christ is sewn or painted, representing his shroud.

  2. An ornamented bier representing the tomb of Christ. On Good Friday, the Epitaphios is placed on the bier, which is adorned with flowers, and is carried in a procession representing the funeral of Christ.

  3. The special service on Good Friday evening commemorating the burial of Christ.


Epitrachelion. (Gr. "about the neck"). The Byzantine equivalent to a Western stole; worn by priests and bishops over the cassock or sticharion . One of the most important vestments, hanging from the neck down to the feet. An Orthodox priest must wear this particular vestment to perform a sacrament.

In the Byzantine Rite the two ends of the Epitrachelion are sown together leaving a hole at the top for the clergyman to put his head through when putting on the vestment. The Epitrachelion symbloizes the grace of the Priesthood.


Eucharist-Orthodox. (see Communion). The blasphemy of the mass, that God describes n the Book of Revelation: 
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:  And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.


Euchologion. (Gr. "the book of prayers"; Sl. Sluzhebnik). A liturgical book used by the clergy, containing the various services, sacraments, and prayers required for the administration of sacraments and other ceremonies and services of the Church. A book containing the unchangeable parts of the services, and occasional prayers and offices. There are two versions, The Great or Mega Euchologion containing every service and blessing and the shorter Little or Mikron Euchologion containing the most commonly used services.

Evlogitaria. (Greek - Blessed) Troparia (q.v.) Sung at Matins (q.v.) on Sundays or funerals with the refrain "Blessed art Thou 0 Lord, teach me thy statutes."


Exaposteilarion. (Gr. "dispatching"). A special hymn sung at Matins after the Canon. It refers to Christ's activity after the Resurrection, particularly His dispatching of the disciples to preach to the world. A troparion On Sundays it is a meditation on the theme of , the Eothinon (q.v.) or Matins Gospel (q.v.).

Exapsalmos. It begins with the reading of six psalms (Exapsalmos)


Exapteryga. (Gr. "six-winged angels"). Metallic banners adorned with representations of angels, which are carried at various processions during church services.


Exorcism: the expulsion or attempted expulsion of a supposed evil spirit from a person or place.


Fast. Lent (q.v) and certain days of the year, such as Holy Cross Day, September 14, and the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, August 29, during which Orthodox Christians fast. Orthodox Christians also abstain from meat on most Wednesdays and Fridays of the year.


Fathers. Great theologians, chiefly during the first eight centuries. Although the Church considers no individual Father infallable, the common Faith of the Fathers (consensus patrum) expresses the essence of the Faith of the Orthodox Church.


Feast. A celebration in honor of Christ, The Theotokos (q.v.) or a Saint.

There are twelve major Feast days during the Orthodox Christian Church Year. Nine of these are unmovable feasts;

1) The Nativity of Mary, September 8,

2) The Elevation of the Holy Cross, September 14,

3) The Presentation of Mary in the Temple, November 21,

4) The Nativity of Christ, December 25,

5) Epiphany or Theophany, January 6,

6) The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, February 2,

7) The.Annunciation, March 25,

8) The Transfiguration of Christ, August 6,

9) The Dormition of the Theotokos, August 15.

The other three depend on the date of Easter (q.v.);

10) Easter / Pascha (q.v.),

11) The Ascension of Christ , 40 days after Pascha,

12) Pentecost, 50 days after Pascha.

Forefeast: A period preceding a major feast when hymns are chanted relating to the forthcoming feast.


Gifts. The Bread and Wine used during the Divine Liturgy (q.v.).


Gospel Book. A book of the Gospels, arranged according to the Lectionary, usually bound in a golden cover. The Gospel Book sits on the Holy Table (q.v) as a symbol of the presence of Christ. [ editor add.]


Great Entrance. see "Entrance."


Greek Catholic. Uniates (q.v.) who follow the Byzantine Rite, but are in full Communion with Rome.

note: a disambiguous term, there are after all simply Greeks who  are Roman Catholics.

Gospel,  ​the reading of 

Great Doxology. The hymn called the Gloria in Excelsis Deo Glory to God in the highest) by Roman Catholics and Protestants, chanted at the end of Matins (q.v.).  and Great Compline


Heretismoi. (see Akathistos hymn).

Holy Spirit / Procession of.  Orthodox Christians believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father. They reject the belief that the Holy Spirit also proceeds eternally from God the Son. The Orthodox refusal to accept the Roman Catholic doctrine of the double procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son ,"filioque"," was one of the chief dogmatic reasons for the Great Schism between Orthodoxy and the Roman Catholic Church.


Holy Table. The table in the center of the Altar (q.v.) on which the Divine Liturgy (q.v.) and other services are celebrated. The- Orthodox equivalent to an altar in a Protestant or Roman Catholic Church. 12

Holy Water. (Gr. Agiasmos). Water blessed at the service of the "Great Blessing" on the feast day of Epiphany (Jan. 6) or on other occasions (Small Blessing). It is used for the blessing of people, as at Holy Communion, or for the blessing of things for their well-being. 

note: research if this is used in exorcisms on babies in baptism ceremony, or in exorcisms in general.


Holy Week. The week before Pascha (q.v.) during which elaborate services are celebrated in memory of the Passion of Christ.

Horologion. (Gr. "Book of the Hours"; Sl. Chasoslov). The Liturgical book containing the services and prayers of the different hours of the day, i.e., Compline, Matins, Vespers, and the Office of the Hours (see hours).


Hours. Short services -read at the First Hour (6:00 AM), Third Hour (9:00 AM), Sixth Hour (Noon) and the Ninth Hour (3:00 PM). The Hours are often combined to form the Royal Hours on the eves of major Feasts (q.v.).


Hypakoe. A troparion (q.v.) sung at Matins (q.v.) and Great Feasts (q.v.).


The Orthodox Church in America

           a Puppet of Russia.

Post-reconciliation schism:

Critics of the reunification argue that "the hierarchy in Moscow still has not properly addressed the issue of KGB infiltration of the church hierarchy during the Soviet period."

( so.... you are potentially confessing

your sins to the KGB / FSB or FSS in America,

as Russian rules over the USA church jurisdiction in Orthodoxy!!)


Founded in 1794 — Granted Autocephaly in 1970 by Russia  -  denied autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

see Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia [c]

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