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How to be saved :

The gospel (meaning Good News) by which we are saved is -


That if you believe in Jesus ("believe in" in Greek means "to trust in" or "rely upon") you will be saved, that is that he was crucified on calvary to wash away our sins, and was raised from the dead for our justification, that is we are made righteous in the sight of God.


Jesus when he told us this good news, added the word "repent" (Luke 24:44-48) and Paul added "unless you have believed in vain" (1 Cor 15:1-4). Repenting is the quality indicator of your belief, or you trusting in Jesus for salvation. Repenting does not itself make you worthy of eternal life, salvation is in Jesus all the way, but repentance is always present in the heart of someone truly believing in Jesus.


Works are the fruit of salvation, not the root of salvation. Jesus said "Every tree is known by his fruit" not "saved by his fruit". If salvation was obtained by a bar chart of your good works, later in life their is no hope at all for the backslider. You have missed the mark for how good your "bar chart of Good Works" should be. Salvation by works is simply not good news. It is not the gospel. It led to the absurd teaching of indulgences, where all the "extra works" not required for salvation were put in a treasury by God for the Pope to open "by the power of the keys" so if you paid money "the moment the coin falls into the coffer the souls leaps from Purgatory!". Only Jesus saves.


The absurd teaching that Orthodox priests are "topping you up on salvation" by feeding you on a cannibal mass is a doctrine God calls sorcery. It is a fake miracle. The doctrine of priestcraft salvation probably began by interpreting the water in John 3:5 as physical baptism, but John chapter 4 clearly shows us the water is water of the Holy Spirit. In Greek it says "water even Spirit" (kai). You are saved when you believe in Jesus, when you trust in and rely upon him for your salvation, not when a man baptizes you.



Now you have believed in Jesus and repented, you are in a state of salvation, if you died right now. Jesus promised this in John 3:16. You are safe. You are saved. But..... as the days, weeks, months and years go by, can you lose your salvation?

There are 3 common answers to this question:

1) Yes you CAN lose your salvation, if you fall into unrepentant long term sin, such as committing "the works of the flesh" (Galatians 5:19-21).

2) No you CANNOT lose your salvation, because even if you fall into serious sin God will always turn you to repentance.

3) No you CANNOT lose your salvation, even if you fall into long term serious sin, even if you never repent.

So.... which is true?


The answer is you can lose your salvation if you turn your back on God, and fall into long term unrepentant serious sin. If you are saved no one can "snatch you" from the hand of God, you are safe, but if you yourself decide to desert God and refuse to repent you will not be saved. On the other hand, even if you backslide for many years, and eventually turn and truly repent, you will be saved. Do not play games with sin and salvation. Be sincere and you will not go far wrong. Works never save us, they are the fruit not the root of salvation. Not falling into evil does not save you, but it can damn you if you do the opposite. You can never earn eternal Paradise, but you can certainly earn a place in Hell.


The Orthodox will often give the crafty answer "Yes you can lose your salvation!" to make themselves sound Evangelical and more credible by giving the apparently same answer, however do not forget they do not say "You are saved" in their theology in order to "lose your salvation" in the first place. Many of them believe even after you die you are still not either saved or unsaved, they say you have yet to make it through temptations at certain "Ethereal Toll Houses" on a journey through the Ethereal Realm, where you can change course from a journey toward Abraham's Bosom, and steer instead toward the place of Torment in Hades, by falling victim to demons tempting you.


Those who say you cannot lose your salvation, because God will always turn you to repent, miss out the human aspect of free will in the act of repentance. God will always lead you to repent, he will do his part, but we have a part in repentance too, our submission to God. I would describe people who believe God will always turn us to repentance of two kind

1) Over optimists (about human nature)

2) Non Antinomian Calvinists who see how foolish it is to say God forces salvation on them, and yet not force on them long term repentance too. So because of this Calvinists say "if a person goes to Hell he was never born again in the first place".


The new testament warns us about the Antinomian heresy, or "anti law" heresy. Chiely in Romans 3:8, and in the Epistle of Jude, where it describes a false gospel that will have power especially near the end of the age, see Jude 1-7. 

Those who say you can live in long term unrepentant sin, and yet you are still saved, are called Antinomian heretics. When God tells us of sins to which he promises damnation in Galatians 5:19-21 he also gives us a warning saying in scripture "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them." Ephesians 5: 6-7. 

Again because of the complication of the blind Calvinist religion (who deny human free will) there are two basic types of Antinomian heretics:

1) Rebels, like Rasputin, who believe in free will, but think the mud of evil and deliberate sin cannot lead to Hell, when it obviously can.

2) Antinomian Calvinists who think God forces salvation on them, but not holiness, and thus they will be saved even in long term sin.



The "works of the flesh" to which damnation is promised are outlined in such scriptures as Revelation 21:8, Galatians 5:19-21, Eph 5:5-7, Matthew 15:19-20, etc. But there are certain sins that almost all churches everywhere are defiled by, which I would like to warn you about here. They are:

1) Killing in wars - capital punishment, or any other type of killing of people.

2) Adultery by second marriage.

3) Ecumenicalism - treating all churches as one big saved happy unity community (being led unawares into subjection to one Pope over them all).

4) Fake Bibles.

Very few churches are pure enough to avoid all 4 of these things.


If you have made the correct decision today to believe the "Jesus Saves!" Gospel, you need to be warned about the Calvinist heresy. The question "Does mankind have a free will" splits the Evangelical and Protestant Faiths in two. The Calvinists believe the obnoxious heresy that God is like some kind of monster who creates billions of people without the means, hope or opportunity ever to be saved. They were to all intents and purposes "born to burn in Hell", whereas they believe God forces a small number of other people called the elect to be saved.

The error of Calvinism comes from reading Romans 9 without understanding Romans 8:29 beforehand, or properly understanding it. As a brother on Facebook once brilliantly stated: "Foreknowledge is not causation.". God predestines us to Christian ministries because by foreknowledge he sees who will accept Christ and those who will resist God. The question Romans 9 answers is "If God knew those who would resist the gospel by free will, why did he decide to create them anyway? Why not miss them out?". It is not saying God creates in effect human robots to burn them in Hell forever "for his glory". Because God foreknows things will happen does not mean he causes them to happen. When you sin you cause it to happen, and those tempting or provoking you, not God. Do not fall into the Calvinist error, it is an insult to the character of God. Calvinists are very proud people who having made this mistake in doctrine, would rather invent every crafty sophist excuse under the sun to trick you than simply admit they are wrong.  Avoid that heresy.

The Orthodox Church in America

           a Puppet of Russia.

Post-reconciliation schism:

Critics of the reunification argue that "the hierarchy in Moscow still has not properly addressed the issue of KGB infiltration of the church hierarchy during the Soviet period."

( so.... you are potentially confessing

your sins to the KGB / FSB or FSS in America,

as Russian rules over the USA church jurisdiction in Orthodoxy!!)


Founded in 1794 — Granted Autocephaly in 1970 by Russia  -  denied autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

see Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia [c]

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