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The History of Killing 1

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1st Century: (AD 1 to AD 100) .

The Persecution of proto Christians.

There is no equivalent of King David slaying goliath in the early church, or Jonathan fighting an entire army on his own, or Samson slaying 1,000 men single handed, or a Gideon winning battles with small numbers of men, or any other generals and "heroes" like Joshua. There was much persecution but no evidence of fighting wars against their persecutors. The instruction of Jesus what to do in the 70 AD Siege of Jerusalem was "flee to the mountains" (Luke 13:14) even if you see this as a dual prophecy linked to the end times.

The history of violence you will see in this long historical study, by Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and their pre-schism / post Constantine ancestors, has nothing to do with the true "Peace and Love" teachings of Jesus.

Roman Empire rules-

the empire established by Augustus in 27 bc and divided by Theodosius in ad 395 into the Western or Latin and Eastern or Greek Empire.

The Persecution of early Christians by the Jews (Acts 7).

9 AD      Battle of the Teutoburg Forest 

16 AD    Battle of the Weser River (The Battle of Idistaviso)

43-96    Roman conquest of Britain 

58-63    Roman–Parthian War of 58–63

60-61    Boudica's uprising 


66-73    First Jewish–Roman War ) [1]

70 AD - Siege of Jerusalem (leading eventually to the  2nd diaspora - the first diaspora was Israel in Captivity in Assyria who later dispersed across the globe (some say settling in Britain and the USA), now Judah and Benjamin). This is to be distinguished from the Captivity in Babylon that did not lead to a diaspora, as they returned home.

68-69    Roman Civil War of 68-69 AD​

83  -      The Battle of Mons Graupius .

86-88    Domitian's Dacian War  ,

2nd Century: (AD 101 to AD 200) .

The Persecution of early Christians by the Romans.

(the Ichthus Period)

101-102   First Dacian War 

105-106   Second Dacian War 

.               Roman-Persian Wars 

115  -       Trajan's Parthian campaign

115-117   Kitos War 

132-135/136  Second Jewish Revolt 

161-166    Roman–Parthian War ,

166-180         Marcomannic Wars 

​170-235 - First Pope? Hippolytus of Rome  is commonly considered to be the earliest antipope, as he headed a separate group within the Church in Rome against Pope Callixtus I. As popes as we know them never existed it might be argued he invented the idea of a Pope? (speculation). The Eastern Orthodox believers will almost all insist no such person as a Pope as we know them today existed before the Great Schism or close to it. The Orthodox helped to expose the bogus history of Popes however by their part in refuting the Roman Catholic Forgeries called "The Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals".


184-205 - Yellow Turban Rebellion. 

193-197   Roman Civil War of 193-197 AD .


3rd Century: (AD 201 - AD  300) .

250? - Novatian: also described as an antipope (but popes as we know them never even existed then) persecutes those desiring to repent of idolatry when under threat of death by Emperor Decius in AD 250. Ironically if he claimed to be a leader of the Universal church some might argue the concept of a Pope began with him.

250 – 336 = Arius (the heresy of Arianism was a big influence on history)

285 - The Division of the Roman Empire Emperor by Diocletian: the Roman Empire had grown so vast that it was no longer feasible to govern all the provinces from the central seat of Rome. The Emperor Diocletian divided the empire into halves with the Eastern Empire governed out of Byzantium (later Constantinople) and the Western Empire governed from Rome. This fact is included because of its probable inevitable connection to the later division in so called Christendom. 

Persian wars .

217 – Battle of Nisibis – Bloody stalemate between the Parthians and the Roman army under Emperor Macrinus.


224 to 651 AD - The Sasanian Empire .

243 – Battle of Resaena – Roman forces under Gordian III defeat the Persians under Shapur I.

260 – Battle of Edessa – Emperor Shapur I of Persia defeats and captures the Roman Emperor Valerian

296 or 297 – Battle of Carrhae – Romans under the Caesar Galerius are defeated by the Persians under Narseh.

298 – Battle of Satala – Galerius secures a decisive victory against Narseh, following a peace treaty.

Civil wars .

218,  – Battle of Antioch – Varius Avitus defeats Emperor Macrinus to claim the throne under the name Elagabalus.

238 – Battle of Carthage – Troops loyal to the Roman Emperor Maximinus Thrax defeat and kill his successor Gordian II.

274 – Battle of Châlons – Aurelian defeats the Gallic usurper Tetricus, reestablishing central control of the whole empire.

285 – Battle of the Margus – The usurper Diocletian defeats the army of the Emperor Carinus, who is killed.


Gothic and Alemannic wars .

235 – Battle at the Harzhorn - Small Roman army defeats a German army while retreating back to Roman territory.

250 – Battle of Philippopolis – King Cniva of the Goths defeats a Roman army.

251 – Battle of Abrittus – Goths defeat and kill the Roman Emperors Decius and Herennius Etruscus

259 – Battle of Mediolanum – Emperor Gallienus decisively defeats the Alemanni that invaded Italy

268 – Battle of Naissus – Emperor Gallienus and his generals Claudius and Aurelian decisively defeat the Goths.

268 or 269 – Battle of Lake Benacus – Romans under Emperor Claudius II defeat the Alemanni

  • 271

  • Battle of Placentia – Emperor Aurelian is defeated by the Alemanni forces invading Italy

  • Battle of Fano – Aurelian defeats the Alamanni, who begin to retreat from Italy

  • Battle of Pavia – Aurelian destroys the retreating Alemanni army.

Palmyrene war ,

272 – Battle of Immae – Aurelian defeats the army of Zenobia of Palmyra

272 – Battle of Emesa – Aurelian decisively defeats Zenobia.

285 - Emperor Diocletian splits the Roman Empire in 2 as it was too big to manage from one Governing point, one half generally reading Latin, the other predominantly influenced by Greek.

4th century: (AD 301 to AD 400) .

Emperor Constantine the GreatSaint Equal to the Apostles in Orthodoxy

​The 4th century begins with civil war resulting in the ascendancy of Constantine I, then, after his death, wars with Persia and Germanic tribes, punctuated frequently with more civil wars.



   *   Constantine's: persecution of Arians.

   *   Violence in the reign of Constantius II. When Paul, the orthodox bishop of Constantinople, was banished by imperial decree, a riot broke out that resulted in 3000 deaths

   *   Monks in Alexandria: were the first to gain a reputation for violence and cruelty.

   *   At Ephesus, a fight broke out in a council of bishops resulting in one of them being murdered. Gibbon's assessment was that "the bonds of civil society were torn asunder by the fury of religious factions." Gregory of Nazianzus lamented that the Kingdom of heaven had been converted into the "image of hell" by religious discord.

   *  Athanasius of Alexandria (so called saint): -  Richard Rubenstein and Timothy Barnes allege he practiced the suppression of the dissent through violence and murder.

    *  Julian the Apostate: tried  to restore paganism in the empire.

    *  Emperor Valens: — himself an Arian — renewed the persecution of Nicene hierarchs.

     *  Theodosius I : effectively wiped out Arianism once and for all among the elites of the Eastern Empire through a combination of imperial decree, persecution, and

     *   Severus of Antioch: is said to have stirred up a fierce religious war among the population of Alexandria, resulting in bloodshed and conflagrations (Labbe, v. 121). To escape punishment for this violence, he fled to Constantinople, supported by a band of two hundred Non-Chalcedonian monks. 

(constructing these....)​

306-324 - Civil Wars of the Tetrarchy:  [show] .

312 - The Battle of the Milvian Bridge = took place between the Roman Emperors Constantine I  and Maxentius on 28 October 312. Reports differ but Constantine supposedly saw a cross of light in the sky (a common effect)  with "In this sign you will conquer" written over it, so he ordered his troops to put the first two letters of Christ's name on their shields. It is with this man Constantine that the scarlet and purple heresy of Revelation 17 is brought into a counterfeit form of the Faith, a sacerdotalist type of churchianity instead of Christianity. 

313    Edict of Milan :

316 - Cibalae, 

316 - Mardia,


317 - Constantine issued an edict threatening death to anyone who disturbed the imperial peace. Donatists persecuted. This may mean the true Christian pacifists who rejected Constantine as a Christian were killed and persecuted. The entire idea of Constantine and the church was a spiritual act of fornication from the start, but not adultery as it was a fake church not the fiancee or bride of God.


"After the Constantinian shift, when other Christians accepted the emperor's decision, the Donatists continued to demonize him. After several attempts at reconciliation, in 317 Constantine issued an edict threatening death to anyone who disturbed the imperial peace; another edict followed, calling for the confiscation of all Donatist church property. Donatus refused to surrender his buildings in Carthage, and the local Roman governor sent troops to deal with him and his followers. Although the historical record is unclear, some Donatists were apparently killed and their clergy exiled."


324 - Adrianople

324 - the Battle of the Hellespont, - between a Constantinian fleet, led by the eldest son of Constantine I, Crispus; and a larger fleet under Licinius' admiral, Abantus (or Amandus). Despite being outnumbered, Crispus won a very complete victory.

324: the Battle of Chrystopolis - between the two Roman emperors  Constantine I  and  Licinius. it is said because Licinius (a former ally of Constantine) persecuted Christians.

Pre Nicene Creed Riots in which quote "Christians were killing Christians" which supposedly resulted in qa need for a unifying Creed to prevent this. I believe the reality was that the new violent sacerdotalists were murdering the Evangelicals who rightly said Constantine was no Christian, and who were probably pointing out sacerdotalism is sorcery, infuriating the first version of what later divided into Catholics and Orthodox.

325 - Emperor Constantine has Licinius I executed.  

325. - Nicene Creed.

Constantine had his eldest son Crispus put to death by poison, and had his wife, the Empress Fausta; killed at the behest of his mother, Helena. Fausta was left to die in an over-heated bath. Their names were wiped from the face of many inscriptions and references to their lives in the literary record were erased. Therefore do you think it is possible this man so fond of erasing things from historical records, might not also have erased from the historical records that pacifist Christians said he was a false Christian, and he had them persecuted and even killed?​

330 - Constantine makes Byzantium the new Rome renaming it Constantinople.

334Mirian III of Iberia converted to Christianity. Saint Equal to the Apostles in Orthodoxy. (born 277- died 361) 

337 - Christianity supposedly declared as state religion by Mirian 111 (enforced?). 

338 - Nisibis (1st),

340 - 347? -  Ulfilas: (also known as Ulphilas and Orphila, Wulfila) supposedly spreads the Arian false Gospel (teachings of Arius) to the Goths. (mentioned as it later resulted in much bloodshed).



the main heresy denying the divinity of Christ, originating with the Alexandrian priest Arius ( c.250– c.336). Arianism maintained that the son of God was created by the Father and was therefore neither coeternal nor consubstantial with the Father.

344-363 - Wars with Persia:  

344 - Singara

350-351 - Civil War:  

350 - Nisibis (3rd),

351 - Mursa Major,

353 - Mons Seleucus,

359 - Amida,

Wars with Alemanni 

360's  Roman Britain -   Attacks from Picts, Scots, Franks, Saxons.


363 - Pirisabora,

363 - Maogamalcha,

363 - Ctesiphon,

363 - Maranga,

363 - Samarra,

366 - Civil War: – Battle of Thyatira – The army of the Roman emperor Valens defeats the usurper Procopius.

369 - Noviodunum,

370  the violent persecution of the Priscillianist sect of ascetics.

371. Saint Martin of Tours becomes a bishop, he was active in the suppression of the remnants of Gallo-Roman religion,

376-382 - Gothic War: - Ermanric leads Greuthungian Goths to war with the Roman Empire, (driven into the wars by Hun attacks pushing them west?) This marks probably the beginning of what is called "The Migration Period" that largely leads to the fall of the Roman Empire.

376  - The Battle of Marcianople or Marcianopolis.

377 - Marcianopolis,

377 - Ad Salices,

378 - Adrianople,

378 -  The Battle of Adrianople (9 August 378), sometimes known as the Battle of Hadrianopolis, - Emperor Valens (a so called Christian) dies in the battle, He had been made Emperor of the Eastern part of the Empire by his brother Emperor Valentinian the Great. Fritigern was said to be a convert Arian Christianity.

380 - Emperor Flavius Theodosius 1st makes (so called) "Christianity" the official state religion of the Roman Empire for the first time.

381 - Second Ecumenical Council of 381: the Orthodox like to forget to mention this was connected to persecuting Arians and others deemed "sects" with violence. expanding the Nicene Creed.

388 - Save,

388 – 400   -  Romans begin to leave Britain. (it is at this point some who interpret the two sons of Joseph in Genesis 38 as Britain and the USA believe the Tribe of Ephraim entered the UK in large numbers.

388 - Civil War: – Battle of the Save – Emperor Theodosius I defeats the usurper Magnus Maximus.


394 - Civil War: – Battle of the Frigidus – Theodosius I defeats and kills the usurper Eugenius and his Frankish magister militum Arbogast.

395 - Theodosius the Great dies. his two sons, whom he designated as co-emperors  (Arcadius in the east and Honorius in the west) split the Empire through inexperience. 

Roman Empire Splits -

the empire established by Augustus in 27 BC and divided by Theodosius in ad 395 into the Western or Latin and Eastern or Greek Empire. (the Empire originally was split in 2 by Diocletian in 285 AD, 

Western Roman Empire begins -  395 to 476,

The Byzantine Empire begins, also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantium,until it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

5th century: (AD 401 to AD 500) .

402 - 419 - Wars with Gothic Tribes:  

432 -           Civil War: – Battle of Ravenna – Bonifacius defeats rival Roman general Flavius Aetius, but is mortally wounded in the process.

436 - War with Visigoths: – Battle of Narbonne – Flavius Aetius again defeats the Visigoths led by Theodoric.

441 - Roman Persian war.

441 -  Sirmium,

443 - Constantinople,

443 - Chersonesus,

447-451 - War with the Huns: 

447 - Utus,

450-493 - Fall of the West:

451  - Battle of Avarayr  - Armenia versus the Sassanid Empire (around about the time of the reign of Theodosius 2nd in the Eastern Roman Empire) . 

see YouTube video:

451 - The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (or Fields),  between a coalition led by the Roman general Flavius Aetius and the Visigothic king Theodoric I. against the Huns and their vassals commanded by their king Attila.

468 - Cape Bon,

470 - 490 - The Western Roman Empire Falls (476), it ceases to exist, falling to Germanic Tribes. 

Byzantine Empire continues - It survived the fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and continued to exist for an additional thousand years.

484 - 572 - Samaritan Revolts: Byzantine Empire versus Samaritans.

Theodosius 2nd fought the Vandals in North Africa, Attila the Hun, and was forced to face the Sassanid Empire too.  

(The only thing I disagree with in all these baz battle type secular historian videos is the general term "Christian" applied to pre schism warlike pseudo christians, and Catholics and Orthodox later. Constantine infected the Faith with the "scarlet and purple heresy" of Revelation 17, that is melding secular (purple) and religious (scarlet) power together, bringing war into the Faith, when Jesus taught Peace and Love and banned war. This will perhaps lead to never discussing the persecution of true Christian pacifists under Constantine, their dispersal to avoid persecution, and the re-emergence from hiding in the Reformation Era, and at the time of the Lollards. )

492 - Cotyaeum,

496 -  Battle of Tolbiac against the Alemanni, at which time, according to Gregory of Tours, Clovis adopted his wife Clotilda's Orthodox (i.e. Nicene) Christian faith. 

496  - King Clovis I baptized or/sprinkled - by tradition (no proper proof) On Christmas Day, Clovis I, king of the Franks, converted to the so called "Apostolic Faith", but some say to Arianism in 486. Others phrase it he "became Catholic".


The Orthodox Church in America

           a Puppet of Russia.

Post-reconciliation schism:

Critics of the reunification argue that "the hierarchy in Moscow still has not properly addressed the issue of KGB infiltration of the church hierarchy during the Soviet period."

( so.... you are potentially confessing

your sins to the KGB / FSB or FSS in America,

as Russian rules over the USA church jurisdiction in Orthodoxy!!)


Founded in 1794 — Granted Autocephaly in 1970 by Russia  -  denied autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

see Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia [c]

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