
TOP 130.
Church plus State Oppression.
121) Christendom: the historical Orthodox concept of Christendom, closely linked with its almost twin heresy "Christian Empire" is one based in tyranny, bloodshed, and imprisonment and no real freedom, ( murder ) ( churchianity ) ( tyranny )
( authority ) ( people ) ( laity ) ( Empire )
122) Serfdom : the social / economic sins by a church that "cannot err"
( murder ) ( churchianity ) ( tyranny ) ( authority ) ( people ) ( laity ) ( Empire )
123) Churchianity - (derogatory) Any practices of Christianity that are viewed as placing a larger emphasis on the habits of church life, rites, rituals, and man made traditions, rather than on biblical theology and spiritual teachings and example of Jesus. ( churchianity )
124) Crypto-converts: their enforced pseudo "conversion" by threats. what kind of religion threatens people with prison, death or persecution if they do not pretend to convert? Huge numbers forced under their phony "saints equal to the apostles", Emperor Charlemagne etc
( murder ) ( churchianity ) ( tyranny )
( authority ) ( people ) ( laity ) ( Empire )
125) They are spiritual drunkards (Rev 17). INDOCTRINATION of children helps produce this. ( churchianity ) ( children ) Thus a low score on the "Corruption Perception Index".
126) Orthodoxy is an Anachronistic Faith (see 162): the sinister use of uniforms in the faith, and crowns and miters, is based on anachronistic comparisons with the old Roman Empire's clothing. Same with architecture and artifacts. They draw pseudo authority from an Empire that was from the start always evil. (conceptual)
( hypocrisy )
127) Ethno-Phyletism issues: this is a tricky issue as some churches where this "sin" goes on are in war torn areas where they wish to avoid people like shooters and suicide bombers and thus wish only to fellowship with people of the same ethnicity. (racism) ( murder )
128) Movable doctrines - "Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them." Proverbs 5:6. Orthodoxy give far less specific answers than Catholic scholars. If it became an embarrassment to them that their doctrine Jesus earned the resurrection for all means he died to burn people in Hell, I guarantee they would change it and say that they were misunderstood.
(conceptual) ( hypocrisy )
129) "All your sins will be forgiven if you go out on The Crusade" - I have yet to find out if the Orthodox Titular Head made the same promise in the Crusades in which the Byzantine half of the Empire participated. Remember that Orthodoxy makes the oxymoronic claim of being pacifist, which is more like in real terms the clergy don't fight, the "laity" must fight. If the Byzantine Orthodox were really pacifist and said so either the Catholics or Arabs would simply walk in and take over the Eastern part of the Empire unopposed. The Orthodox doctrine on this is an insult to the intelligence of their own church goers.
130) The persecution. imprisonment, murder, torture and banishment of real Christians. ( murder ) ( churchianity ) ( tyranny ) ( authority ) ( people ) ( laity ) ( Empire )
TOP 140 .
131) Canonization in Orthodoxy is called "Glorification to sainthood" - the form of - but Romans 1 tells us all believers are saints. ( saints ) ( churchianity )
133) Changing the meaning of the Greek expressions "believe on" and "believe in" - this means in Greek "to trust in" or "rely on" Jesus for salvation, obviously this is changed by Orthodoxy, just as the word grace is changed.
( salvation )
134) The Three hierarchs (three heretics actually). refers to
1) Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), 329 - 379 AD,
sins: rules for monastic life (unbiblical), contributions to heretical canon law, and contribution to liturgies. (for centuries the Orthodox told the uneducated public he wrote the Liturgy of St. Basil now they try to retract that.
2) Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) . 330-389 AD,
sins: propagated the heretic Origen, Gregory seems to have been an early sacerdotalist (if so he was one of the most evil men who ever lived), his friend Gregory of Nyssa, may have supported some form of the doctrine of apocatastasis,
3) John Chrysostom. (researching) ( saints ) ( bogus saints )
135: Mortification: this topic has some biblical credibility, but not when it is used as a religious deception device, especially in the sense of it achieving purity or the forgiveness of sin, or connected with the hesychasm or monasticism.
( monks ) ( Catholic ) ( mystics )
136) Oversimplification of the character of God:
the Orthodox oversimplify God's character by saying that if God is love (a scripture) he cannot have wrath. It is a puerile oversimplification of God's character, (do we not also naturally and rightly feel angry about many of the worst crimes we hear of?)
They will even compare a God who has wrath with with demons like Baal and Moloch, in other words they say if God has wrath (he does) he is a sinner!!! Do not forget by saying these things they are talking also about the Holy Spirit.
This is involved in 2 other heresies
1) No wrath of God means no fires of Hell (loving them tortures them in Orthodox theology)
2) Jesus never saved us from the wrath of God when he died and rose again, as if he did he achieved salvation for us all on his own, a truth that destroys Orthodox pretensions about a process of salvation that is a synergy. ( God ) ( Hell )
137) Forgiveness of sin through Calvary denied - absurdly Orthodoxy argues that as Jesus forgave individual sin before the cross and resurrection. the gospel does not bring forgiveness to mankind (as if it did their junk priestcraft/works gospel falls apart). The fact that the gospel is not necessarily the only way God can forgive sin does not stop the fact that sin was and is washed away by his blood. One must remember the resurrection adds justification (to be made just in God's sight) as well as his crucifixion dealing with sin. ( salvation ) ( gospel)
138) Reconciliation
and the Hypostatic Union -
(notice they do not say salvation) In Orthodoxy reconciliation happens in the hypostatic union when Christ is conceived or some say born (the combination of divine and human natures in the single person of Christ.) when the perfection of God and "humankind in its totality" (that is human nature as a collective) are inseparably united in Jesus, (all that is Creator and all that is created) so God reconciles humanity to himself in the person of Christ.
The cross - in Orthodoxy is Christ entering into death to destroy the power of death, not to forgive sin (>>>) wow heresy. Jesus did not die to earn hell for those who would not be otherwise resurrected.
Eastern Church tends towards a therapeutic model of which sees sin as illness,
( salvation ) ( gospel)
139) Renunciation of Errors (in Chrismation ceremonies) - renounce in public the Reformation and the Protestant / Evangelical gospel as false. Laughably they then later on masquerade as Evangelicals as the simple Evangelical gospel is too powerful to oppose. ( salvation ) ( gospel)
140) Denial of "the works of the flesh". The Orthodox are very tricky about this issue. They deny the doctrine of Catholicism of "venial sin and mortal sin" but avoid the more directly biblical issue that certain sins are put in the special classification of "works of the flesh". ( sin ) ( LAW )
TOP 150.
141) A cherry-picking form of The Judaizing heresy - they cherry pick the old law now quote "done away" as if the old testament is there for them to pick and choose laws, and create a new syncretic faith (which is exactly what they have done). What is different about Orthodoxy is (unlike most Judaizing cults) the laws they cherry pick from Mosaic Law are blended with traditions that are entirely anti Mosaic Law (like leavended wine and bread in communion) and even aspects of antisemitism. They do not seem to understand old law was done away, was draconian ("that neither we nor our fathers could bear" - Peter) we do not pick, choose and reinvent bits to keep now, like "holy beards" or golden artefacts in the temple.
note: It is indeed a paradox that Eastern Orthodoxy is on the one hand strongly resists the Judaizing heresy of the so called "Hebrew Roots Movement" yet they have invented a syncretic religion that involves cherry picking old testament concepts and laws and mixing them with the new testament law. ( salvation ) (LAW)
142) They deny the character of the new covenant which is freedom - the new covenant is characterised by freedom in Christ, they adopt the most draconian concepts of the old Mosaic Covenant (described as done away) in order to bring believers in the new covenant era into religious bondage to clockwork religious concepts like keeping a plethora of feasts. In Christ we have freedom about days (Rom 16) and we have freedom in food (Col 2:21) what is more the imposed fast days and food regulations break another of Christs teachings - to keep your fasting a secret. ( salvation ) (LAW)
143) They deny the Millennium Kingdom - as far as my studies go so far, the Eastern Orthodox religion are amillennialist in their theology, probably because they cannot stand the thought Jesus will return, reign here, sweep away the fake sacerdotalist ministry, and rule with those who would not take the mark of the beast. In other words the Eastern Orthodox fake ministry will be swept away.
( Eschatology ) ( authority )
144) Candle lighting - are considered sacrifices to Mary and saints. Mentioned in Rev 18 as sins of the Whore of Babylon. More ritualism and churchianity practices instead of an ongoing relationship with God. They simply discovered people love to light candles, and used this human fascination to destroy human souls. Candles are often used in witchcraft. ( witchcraft ) ( prayer )
145) The liturgical year - the cycle of liturgical seasons, feast days, including celebrations of saints, to be observed in a display of foolish clockwork religiosity, having portions of Scripture to be read out like robots either in an annual cycle or in a cycle of several years. ( salvation ) ( liturgy ) ( forgery )
( spirituality)
146) Canon Law - an admixture of truth and heresy that to the Orthodox has more authority than the new testament. (LAW)
147) Cathedrals - God's Cathedral in Acts was to be in nature by a river. Building big church buildings is largely an insult to the poor. ( churchianity )
( religious hypnotism )
148) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist - the evidence of scripture would suggest the wine and bread were both unleavened. ( the mass )
149) Nepsis linked with Catharsis: Parallels could likely be made between nepsis and Jewish devekut. showing yet another Talmudic type root of Orthodox whoredom with religions. Both nepsis and catharsis have elements of truth but were systematized in links with monastic religious pretentions. ( monks ) ( gurus ) (Catholic)
150) Forbidding to interpret and have doctrines on the Book of Revelation - a clear attempt to hide from the Orthodox the evidence that Orthodoxy is a daughter of the Mother of Harlots. note... when Orthodoxy itself does interpret Revelation they seem to make one heresy after another - the woman in Rev 12 is Mary instead of Israel, they are amillennial, they claim the presence of incense in heaven means it is a divine directive to intoxicate church goers with clouds of it. ( eschatology )
TOP 160.
151) The Canons of the Council of Nicea, and Nicene Creed (325) (and other Creeds) contain much heresy, yet are treated as if on a par with scripture.
( authority ) (LAW)
152) The church tradition (and thus infallible) that Cremation destroys the soul.
that any should could be annihilated is heresy, but this also denies Hitler (if he was cremated) escapes eternal punishment. ( tradition ) ( salvation ) ( death cult )
( burials )
153) Orthodox Christian (or Christian) should or must be buried in consecrated ground - and that the definition of that is that it is consecrated by all their Babylonian rituals. ( tradition ) ( salvation ) ( death cult ) ( burials )
154) False man made burial rites of no importance - according to the Orthodox rites and service of burial (Nekrosimos). (anything about funerals is an emotive issue). ( tradition ) ( salvation ) ( death cult ) ( burials )
155) The (so called) Church may deny a burial on Orthodox land to those who have committed a sin such as blasphemy, suicide, denial of their faith etc. In other words refusing to bury a person if he became a real Christian (for instance). Pure heresy and manipulation. What is more - if they deny mortal sin or "works of the flesh" and all sin is the same, why forbid burial in this way? ( tradition ) ( salvation ) ( death cult ) ( burials )
156) The ovum of Mary must definitely have been used in Christ's conception - so far as I understand Orthodoxy insists that you must believe that the actual ovum of Mary was used in the conception of Christ ( the prophecy quoting thy "seed" does not necessarily mean "her ovum") and not that his conception was entirely miraculous but in her womb without the ovum used. I am not denying her ovum was used, but I do question forcing young believers to form a definite doctrine on this. To them it is an essential or more central issue as to them the hypostatic union heals corporate human nature. The belief that Mary's ovum must be used is of less controversy as they do not believe in original sin, (Catholics believe the conception of Mary herself was miraculous). ( Mary ) ( salvation )
157) Beards and the clergy - so what are they actually saying? Only the clergy should have beards, or all Orthodox men? And is the old covenant law on beards still here, including not trimming the edges? It might be interesting to find out how many bishops of Rome had beards before the 1054 split. It is part of Messianic Judaism to keep these beard laws when the new testament calls the old law done away (2 Cor 3), and an emphasis on how the Orthodox have never understood the covenants of God. ( gurus ) ( LAW ) ( inverse Babylonization )
158) Ordination gives Authority to teach - Holy Spirit as our personal guide and teacher (Protestant / Evangelical) versus ordination. ( authority ) ( LAW )
159) Mystification of doctrine: - bible says to be clear. ( mystery babylon ) ( LAW ) ( inverse Babylonization )
160) The "laity" - Jesus says "you are all brethren". This is the root of Scofield's interpretation of Nicolaitan heresy which contains Nico - lording / power over - laitan (laos) - the laity, The Orthodox often say this was a sex cult started by the Nicholas of the bible (more forgery of history by them). ( inverse Babylonization )
( early cults - Laodicean ) ( authority )
TOP 170.
161) The 7 Sins of Rome (Rev 18:1-24):
1) "The fruits that thy soul lusted after" - world wide trade in artefacts, and dainty and goodly things.
2) pretentious religious music, in the case of Orthodoxy (a daughter of Rome) this takes the form of chanting not singing. Chanting heresy is supposed to fool you into thinking it is holy. etc.
3) craftsman - idols, church finery etc
4) millstone - the mass bread
5) candle burning rituals
6) bride and groom - marriage falsely termed a sacrament
7) thy sorceries - the witchcraft of her heresies and practices.
162) It is an oxymoronic religion - (perhaps more than any other sect claiming to be Christian)
163) No work on Sunday?? - Catholics say you should not work on Sunday, except for a few exceptions they make, like perhaps doctors on call, or workers in an electrical power-plant etc. The Orthodox are more cagey on this and I have yet to extract a definitive answer. The (erroneous) doctrine is in effect treating Sunday as a "new sabbath" but less draconian. The Christian sabbath is eternal (Hebrews 4) earned for believers by Christ.
164) The Anathemas - (eg of the synod Constantinople): the heresy of declaring people anathema over calendar issues, but themselves bringing on themselves the anathema of God promised in Galatians 1:6-9 by preaching their false gospel of works and sacerdotalism.
165) Religious Colonialism by land buying.
The church is the second-largest landowner in Greece, after the state, with about 130,000 hectares.
166) Infallible traditions of the church in general - be honest with yourself..... if just one of the criticisms I make on this website about Orthodoxy and traditions is true, then their entire "infallible church traditions" idea drops to pieces. It is an "infallible heresy".
167) Churches being autocephalous and non autocephalous - (of an Eastern Christian Church) appointing its own head, not subject to the authority of an external patriarch or archbishop. The Orthodox Church in America (OCA) for instance is not recognized as an autocephalous church. In Evangelicalism there is ONE church, that is the body of Christ. A bishop is not an overseer anywhere in the new testament of one or several countries. The Apostles were church planters and had special authority from God and Orthodoxy does not claim they are apostles.
next =
Angel heresies: x3.
168) That angels are superior in nature and intelligence to man - wrong as we are the sons of God, they are not.
169) Unprovable Angelic order (tagmata):
170) In the Orthodox worship, every Monday is dedicated to the angels.
TOP 180.
171) Hank Hanegraaff and the Fifty Fifty Cult:
he preaches a mongrel Faith and is not put in his place. because of the sin of respect of persons
Hank Hanegraaff's apostasy from the Protestant Faith into Eastern Orthodoxy is of significance more because he is highlighting a new wave of heresy in the Orthodox religion, that might be best called "the fifty fifty cult" were the Orthodox do not exercise the discipline that is supposed to characterize their church, and allow people like Hank to preach a shape shifting new potpourri religion that is neither Evangelical, nor Orthodox. So just remember - every time you hear him preaching he is living proof of a lack of discipline in the Orthodoxy Faith (proof they are not in the Spirit in itself), and that they allow their novice proselytes to preach what amounts to a new fifty fifty cult that is neither Protestantism nor Eastern Orthodoxy just contradictory nonsense.
172) Mysticism. quote: "The premise of all mysticism is that experiential knowledge of God takes preference over doctrinal understanding of the character and being of God because of the transcendent nature of God. One of the ways mysticism gained a foothold in Eastern Orthodoxy was by the emphasis of certain Orthodox “Church Fathers” upon the “way of negation” also known as “apophatic”1 theology."
173) The strange tradition of "Crowning" in their marriage ceremony was probably introduced into their religion to let them say "Are we not all crowned when we marry" in order to justify their absurdly proud practice of putting crowns on bishop's heads.
174) Female deacons, nuns, abbesses etc, justified partly by their false believe several females they see as saints were "equal to the apostles". Women were anointed by the Spirit at Pentecost. that does not however mean they are to be deacons.
175) Liturgy and restriction of languages - Liturgies and "services" prior to the 9th century were in Greek only, the Catholics claim Latin (perhaps a division in the Empire halves, or.... someone among them is lying) only later other specific languages were introduced. This is worth researching as if its true two distinct languages were used it almost inevitably was a sign a rift would occur by 1054.
176) Sycophancy to political figures, kings and queens.
This sin has pervaded their faith to saturation level, from the days of the mass murderer Emperor Constantine, to the fawning of modern day Russians toward President Vladimir Putin. It is deadly heresy, as it is not the fulfilment of Romans 13 in that it does not so much recognize figures like Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar etc can be used by God just as the Assyrian were in Isaiah 10, but rather exalts these political figures to the level of David, Samson, Gideon or Joshua, which they never are.
177) Evolutionism is taught by many (under pressure from the state) they are cowards in the face of secular persecution. They are not put in their place for this and repudiated and disciplined. Chi;dren are being indoctrinated with illogical pseudoscience.
178) Homosexuality is accepted by many as "biblical" (under pressure from the state ) some of their bishops are cowards in the face of secular persecution, and are not being reprimanded and put in their place.
180) Giving babies and children alcohol.
132) +
TOP 70.
Contentious Issues:
61) They deny Christ died as a substitute sacrifice .
The Evangelical and Protestant gospel is found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and Luke 24:44-48, and is belief in Christ crucified, buried and resurrected for salvation, repentance always being present to distinguish the belief as genuine. not some "mouthed prayer" or vain acceptance of the gift of salvation in Christ. it at no time includes the concept of "a substitute sacrifice". As the issue is therefore neutral to salvation (that is a person can choose to have no doctrine on it and be in a condition of salvation) is not an Orthodox heresy or error therefore to chose not to accept it, but what is an error and a heresy is their outright statement that salvation is not a gift earned solely by Jesus, and their technique of always presenting that theme of the Protestant gospel as inexorably connected to the theme of a substitute sacrifice (which it is not). ( salvation )
Hebrews tells us that "the blood of bulls and of goats cannot take away sin". Thus all the temple sacrifices of the old testament in the temple, and the yearly sacrifice for sins, could not take sin away in themselves other than by the mercy of Christ. The sacrifice of Christ himself however can take away sins, and REPLACES (or SUBSTITUTES) the clearly symbolic sacrifices of the old covenant that centre in the forgiving power of the blood of Jesus.
62) They deny Jesus was a ransom sacrifice .
Once again the Orthodox say the concept of "a ransom sacrifice" is inextricably linked with the Protestant / Evangelical "Jesus Saves Gospel", when as we have seen "the simplicity of the gospel of Christ" in I Cor 15:1-4, Luke 24:44-48, makes not mention of it, thus a doctrine on it is not necessary for salvation. This is tactic is adopted by Orthodoxy in order to cause confusion over the two diametric beliefs about this, that is
1) The ransom was paid to God.
2) The ransom was paid to Satan (as symbolically represented in the book "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe"?)
And whether it is ever wise to add it to the gospel message at all. ( salvation )
note: The Orthodox falsely add both the "The substitute sacrifice" and "The ransom sacrifice" themes to the Protestant Gospel in order to cloud the central issue, that in Orthodoxy Jesus did not secure salvation for the believer in his death and resurrection, but it was only part of a synergy or "process of salvation". whereas in Protestantism he did secure our actual salvation, presented as "the gift of God" to the believer on belief.
63) They deny the imputation of the righteousness of Christ to the believer, and the concept of "The Lord our righteousness."
Again, this is not specifically mention in the "Jesus Saves Gospel". A new believer or "babe in Christ" does not have to specify a doctrine on this issue, to be in a present state of salvation through belief in (to "trust in" and "rely upon") Christ. Do I believe the only righteousness I have is that given me as a gift through Christ? And that his righteousness "exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees"? Yes. But I do not believe it is a specific doctrine to be believed or professed to be in a state of salvation, that is if you died then and there you would be saved by Christ because of his finished work on Calvary and his resurrection.
( salvation )
64) The descent into Hell of Christ, between his burial and resurrection (superfluous add on doctrine).
To keep the so called Catholic Faith and be saved, you must believe their view of the "descent into Hell." It seem to me they are actually adding this into their "process of salvation" but it needs more clarification about how many of them would say that. This difficult and convoluted subject is definitely (stress definitely) not to be added into the simplicity of the "Jesus Saves Gospel" though it occurs between the death and resurrection periods.
In the Protestant Faith there are references to this, but several entirely different interpretations about what "he descended into Hell" means. It includes sometimes the concept that Christ supposedly preached the gospel (before it was even completed) to those who died in the time of Noah, as if it was a "second chance for salvation".
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrowing_of_Hell (salvation )
Notably on the topic it is believed by many Protestants Jesus did not preach in Hell to those who died at the time of Noah, but, rather, that Jesus anointed Noah to preach at the time the Ark was being prepared.
65) 40 Day "Churching" of a baby - a mother is forced (via tradition) into bringing her child to church on the 40th Day after birth, to force the baby into attending their bogus religious services. in a warping of now "done away" law such as Luke 2:22-40 . This is connected with the indoctrination process described in Revelation 17. ( indoctrination ) ( salvation )
66) Economy, Economia - discretionary deviation from the letter of the law in order to adhere to the spirit of the law. Only bishops have such discretion,
It is an exceptionally, staggeringly serious doctrinal issue as the concept is used for instance:
1) to justify remarriage against the criteria of Matthew 5:32.
2) It may be used on the occasion of a conversion to Orthodoxy, in order to grant recognition to a baptism previously administered in a so called heterodox or schismatic church.
3) It may also be used to grant recognition to an ordination administered in a Roman Catholic or Anglican church if the convert comes from either of those communions.
A priestly form of this is in fact the basis of many controversial priest's decisions.
( doctrine ) ( sin )
67) Symphonia heresy - what this means in real terms. is that the church sees it as practical to compromise with the state in order to survive. Two modern examples of this are that huge numbers of Orthodox bishops compromise with the state (and police force) on the issues of homosexuality and evolutionism, and the so called hierarchy of Orthodoxy, including the Titular Head, turn a blind eye to this. (note - Catholic theologians hypothesise that this is how Orthodoxy was defiled by adulterous second marriage doctrines and practices)
( doctrine ) ( sin )
68) Many modern Orthodox consider the Pope "a bishop". Sorry but if it was not such a serious issue that would be a joke. The Pope is entirely an heretic.
( people ) ( salvation - suddenly not only Orthodoxy saves )
69) Graded churches -
In real terms the Orthodox Church splits churches into about 10 kind, with various attitudes to where the word "church" should be replaced by cult or sect, when in reality they are entirely a cult in themselves.
1) Grade A quality - Patriarchal Church (eg Constantinople)
2) Grade B quality - Autocephalous Church (Gr. "appointing its own leader") (eg Mount Athos) a church whose head bishop does not report to any higher-ranking bishop.
3) Grade C quality - Autonomous Church (Gr. "self-rule"). (eg Finland) governed by its prelate, who is chosen by a superior jurisdiction, usually by a patriarchate.
It appears to me both types of churches often claim to be self governed, but as autocephalous churches appoint their own head, and autonomous do not, the true higher ranking church would be logically autocephalous, within the perimeters of their own unbiblical extraneous criteria?
4) Grade D quality - Eparchy Churches non self-governing (eg. Philippines)
5) Grade E quality - Unrecognized Churches (eg Orthodox Church in America)
6) Grade F quality - Schismatic churches - (eg. Roman Catholic - to some)
7) Grade G quality - Schismatic isolationist churches -
8) Grade H quality - Heretic churches - (eg Roman Catholic - to others)
9) Grade I quality - Heretic isolationist churches -
10) Grade J quality - Lunatic fringe Orthodox cults . ( church )
TOP 80.
Some of the sins shared between the Orthodox and the Catholics:
71) Heathen Calendars are part of the Faith (worse than Catholics on this):
( doctrine ) ( sin )
73) A Personal relationship Mary and saints ......with skeletons (dead unresurrected "people") spiritism. ( idolatry ) ( sin ) ( spiritism )
74) They kept the bible from the people for over 1,000 years - even after the Reformation presses started rolling, the Orthodox like the Catholics never gave bibles to the people in order to indoctrinate them instead. ( bible )
75) Idolizing or worshipping of the Nicene Creed : The creed is not fit for purpose, as it does not contain a specific gospel by which we are saved (however a "process of salvation" involving works and priestcraft is not present either - whereas the elements of the Protestant gospel are mentioned). ( idolatry ) ( sin )
76) Icons, statues and other idols . ( idolatry ) ( sin )
77) Shrines ( a separate issue proving their connection to eastern religions - thus Eastern Orthodoxy in their name) . ( idolatry ) ( sin )
78) That heresy is to contradict their fake church and man made traditions, not the bible and new covenant law . ( church ) ( sin ) ( bible ) ( doctrine )
79) Holy Orders - the issue of sacraments. ( sacraments ) ( doctrine )
80) Call no man father . ( people ) ( idolatry ) ( sin
TOP 90.
Churchianity errors :
82) Calendarization of lifestyle by a plethora of "days".
( church ) ( worship ) ( churchianity ) ( sin )
83) Uniforms, crowns, mitres . one answer I was given by an Orthodox believer is that you can buy these crowns second hand on Ebay, and that they are only moderately expensive, and sometimes amount to only "bling" golden artifacts and crowns, not always real gold, only sometimes. I am not sure how the Orthodoxy faithful would react if they knew "the holy artifacts" are in fact often a chintzy show of tacky cheap imitations. ( churchianity ) ( authority ) ( sin )
84) Ritual / rite ridden . ( idolatry ) ( salvation ) ( churchianity ) ( sin )
( sorcery ) . (separate issue to Traditions - but part of it)
85) Fasting before men : So much fasting they are borderline vegan for about half the year! This really does fit in with the commandment not to say "Touch not! Taste not!" . Fast Wednesday and Friday just about all year, so they can disobey Christs commandment to fast in secret. ( churchianity ) ( hypocrisy )
86) Extraneous baptismal requirements / doctrines : (must believe heresy, and an avalanche of more insignificant doctrines "what doth now prevent me?") eg harrowing of hell and deny filioque . ( doctrine ) ( salvation )
87) Godparent indoctrinators . The parents are assigned the duty of indoctrinating their children, but so called "godparents" (found nowhere in scripture) are people assigned the same sinful task. This perhaps also serves as a way to fish outsiders into Orthodoxy by using babies and children to inveigle them into learning Orthodox doctrine. ( indoctrination ) ( people ) ( salvation )
88) Baby exorcisms - it is jaw dropping that anyone baptized into Orthodoxy goes through a plethora of rites amounting to witchcraft ceremonies, including casting Satan out of babies and children. Adult exorcism - where they will even stand on top of people "crushing satan under their feet" like something out the middle ages.
( abuse ) ( salvation - part of baptism and chrismation ceremony )
89) False new identity . when triple baptized into Orthodoxy the person is given a new name, and is given a personal patron saint, so they can calendarize your life on a personal level. A name day is the day on which an Orthodox Christian celebrates the feast of his patron saint. ( indoctrination ) ( sin )
90) Holy water power - the Orthodox believe so called holy water has powers to spiritually clean people and places, and cast out demons. They even do it to their own churches before a person is baptized to increase the impression of their bogus priestly powers. ( ritualism ) ( churchianity ) ( sin - fakery ) ( sorcery )
TOP 100.
(being reorganized into salvation errors area - a more important topic)
Prayer heresies x10.
91) Praying for the dead . ( sorcery ) ( spiritism ) ( salvation )
92) The dead can pray for you ! ( spiritism ) ( salvation )
93) Praying to the dead . ( sorcery ) ( spiritism ) ( salvation )
94) Vain repetitions in prayer . the primary example is The Jesus Prayer,
( prayer ) ( meditation )
95) The Cycle of Prayer . ( prayer ) ( churchianity )
96) Mary as Co-Mediator, Co-Redemptrix, hears/answers millions .
( idolatry ) ( salvation )
97) Prayer Books - automated, manmade, pseudo Christian, systematized tomes of wayward religion. ( churchianity ) ( prayer ) ( salvation )
98) Hesychasm - the equivalent of Buddhist meditation. interesting also the Buddhist idea of becoming "at one" has similarities to theosis. ( spiritism ) ( meditation )
( salvation )
99) The prayer rope - the Orthodox answer to the rosary. ( prayer ) ( salvation )
100) Aerial Toll House prayers - to help dead souls be delivered from demonic attack, in the 40 decision period as to whether you go to "Abraham's Bosom" or torment part of "Hades", these prayers are connected to the 8 Day and the 40 Day memorial services. ( spiritism ) ( prayer ) ( salvation )
**) Men praying with head covered? = long hair breaks this (priest and monks have long hair to imitate gurus and bring "eastern" peoples into the faith, but the new covenant law forbids long hair, calling it a "shame"
TOP 110.
More prayer heresies.
101) All saints day - (spiritism) The Eastern Orthodox Church and associated Eastern Catholic Churches and Byzantine Lutheran Churches celebrate it on the first Sunday after Pentecost. ( sorcery ) ( spiritism ) ( salvation )
( churchianity )
102) The Communion of Saints . ( sorcery ) ( spiritism ) ( salvation )
( churchianity )
103) The Repose of souls of the dead ? (Memorial.) ( sorcery ) ( spiritism )
( salvation ) ( churchianity )
104) Priests, Bishops and monks having long hair - this is also technically a prayer error (head covering issues), but is an example of a sin that is not "a work of the flesh" that is to which damnation is promised. Priest and monks have long hair to imitate gurus and bring "eastern" peoples into the faith, but the new covenant law forbids long hair on men, calling it a "shame". Having long hair is not a work of the flesh, but the church strategy to imitate gurus to spiritually seduce Eastern converts into their religion is. Their hair is tied back to stop them looking like the vain creatures they really are.
105) They are wizards/witches performing witchcraft. ( sorcery ) ( spiritism )
Top 3 witches in the world according to Orthodoxy? :
( sorcery ) ( spiritism ) ( salvation ) ( churchianity )
1) Number 1 Witch (top witch / wizard:) - Dimitrios Arhondonis
fake name - Bartholomew 1
title: Titular Head of Eastern Orthodoxy, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and Archbishop of Constantinople . primus inter pares (first among equals) called Head of the Eastern Orthodox Church (or Head of the Church - as they claim to be the only church).
2) Number 2 Witch - Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyayev
fake name - Kirill
title: Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, the Bishop of Moscow, primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.
3) Number 3 Witch - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
fake name: Pope Francis
title:- His Holiness, Francis, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God. called "Head of the Church" by Catholics.(pretender to being Head of the Church, according to Orthodoxy)
note: huge numbers of the Orthodox now see the Pope as a bishop, so he is one of the top witches / wizards because of the sheer numbers he lords it over and deceives.
106) Deliberately Clouding "The Weightier matters of the Law" - there is such a thing as "the law of the new covenant' (Gal 6:2) in opposition to the old (done away) Law of Moses. The new law has its centerpiece the "Two Commandments" and the old law had for its centerpiece the 10 Commandments. To hide their heresy the Pharisees of the Eastern Orthodox Church deliberately cloud the issue of what the weightier matters of the Law are, more minor issues like the position of the hand in the bogus sign of the cross, and The Filioque are relatively minor in comparison to adulterous remarriage, war (murder) and adding works to actual salvation as a root not a fruit. One should still teach "the least of these commandments" (Matthew 5:19) but they are not on the same level as "the fruit of the Spirit" (positive) or "the works of the flesh" (negative).
note: this heresy is inextricably linked to the heresy of denying the existence of "the works of the flesh" from more minor issues like eating black pudding, men with long hair, etc, but is distinctly a diverse heresy of subterfuge in itself.
( doctrine ) ( conceptual )
107) Spiritual Whoredom - calling the mass bread "God" and bowing to it is idolatry, idolatry with icons, shrines. Theosis etc. ( idolatry ) ( sacerdotalism)
108) Two gospels save. - Evangelicals do not say two gospels save, but the Orthodox do not have the courage to stick properly to their emphatic statement "salvation is found only in Orthodoxy" they then tell everyone they don't want to judge as to whether other people are saved or not. It is yet another oxymoron of theirs. The bible says there is only ONE salvation gospel, and anyone teaching another is anathema, under God's curse! The Orthodox synergy of salvation or process of salvation isn't it.
109) Council of Ephesus 430 Canon 6 decreed deposition from clerical office or excommunication for those who did not accept the Council's decrees.
110) Massive numbers of Traditions - ( forgery )
TOP 120.
various (authority issues).
111) Orthodoxy is the most oxymoronic faith in the world - I intend to complete a long list of dozens of their oxymoronic doctrines, including that they are pacifist killers, and believe in salvation by grace and works etc. ( doctrine )
112) Heresy of swearing oaths . ( doctrine ) ( sin )
113) Ruled over by Pharisees . ( people )
114) The Forgery of History - forgery includes liturgies, traditional stories of peoples lives, historians making things up, : ( forgery )
115) Incense thuribles - (giddy) ( churchianity ) ( sorcery ) ( sorcery item )
116) Fake miracles - holy fire is just one, myrrh dripping icons etc. Only a gullible person who passes of credulity for faith would believe in them.
( forgery / fakery / sorcery ) ( sin ) ( fraud )
117) Bogus hierarchy / pyramid system : - ( churchianity ) ( people )
118) Orthodox false prophets (as well as teachers) - ( people ) ( bible )
( Pentecostalism )
119) Ecumenicalism - (division over this) The moment millions of the Orthodox turned to being Ecumenical, the moment they accepted another "process of salvation saves". in other words they have two gospels, and if all the Popes were not "anathema" before that as they declared, their profession their church is infallible failed. ( salvation )
( people ) ( church )
120) Their version of the Talmud = the giant tomes of irrelevant dumb writings by a plethora of pillarists, hermits, bogus saints and the like, whose unimportant writings they exalt to being on a par with holy writ, including such as prayer books. ( bible ) ( forgery / fakery)
Refuting the heresies of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
The History of Killing 3
11th century: (1001 AD to 1100 AD) .
1001-1031 - Spanish "Christian" / Muslim war .
1004 – Battle of Skopje .
1009 – Battle of Kreta .
1014 – Battle of Thessalonica .
1014 – Battle of Kleidion .
1014 – Battle of Strumica .
10:15 - 1016 - King Cnut invades and conquers England . (he had two wives thus pretended to be converted for political reasons? Or was given in effect an heretical exemption?)
1015 – Battle of Bitola - Byzantine vs Bulgarian war
1017 – Battle of Setina
Norman conquest of southern Italy .
1018 – Battle of Dyrrhachium
1018 – Battle of Cannae
1021 – Battle of Shirimni .
1022 – Battle of Svindax .
1024 – Battle of Lemnos (Rus'–Byzantine War (1024).
1027 - Council of 1027 – banning warfare on certain holy days.
1030 – Battle of Azaz .
1030 - The Battle of Stiklestad.
1031 - Edessa, 1031,
1038 - Rometta,
1040 - 1185 - A number of wars between the Normans and the Byzantine Empire.
1040 - Battle of Thessalonica
1041 – Battle of Ostrovo
1041 – Battle of Olivento
1041 – Battle of Montemaggiore
1041 – Battle of Montepeloso
1041 - Monte Siricolo,
1043 – Rus' raid into the Aegean Sea. (Rus'–Byzantine War (1043)
1043 ??? - Ostrovo,
1047 - Constantinople,
1047 – Battle of Sasireti
1048 – Battle of Kapetron
1053 - Civitate & Norman Conquest of Italy .
1054 - THE GREAT SCHISM OF 1054: so up until this point the Roman Catholics And Eastern Orthodox are (loosely) supposed to have been "one church" doing all their war and butchery together.
important note:
The Visigoth were often Arian Christians until (supposedly) 587
as were the Ostrogoth later supposedly absorbed by the Lombards. The
Vandals were also often Arian Christians until the Byzantines reconquered in 533. Saxons convert to the sacerdotalist heresy in the mid 600’s, conquered by Charlemagne and William the conqueror.
The Celtic had a unique form of the Faith. The Franks are often said to convert with Clovis in 496 however he is also said to be Arian by some, becoming the dominant Germanic power, later usurped by the Holy Roman Empire and with Charlemagne. So this idea of a world united under one consistent form of Christianity is not true, and was far more complex. It is the contention of Catholicism and Orthodoxy no one on Earth accepted Jesus as only Saviour without the involvement of the priestcraft heresy up until the Reformation,
note also:
The Orthodox will often criticize Catholic Germans by saying they adopted religio-political and magico-religious elements of Germanic religiosity, and even blood feuds. to "accommodate into Christianity" not convert, but will not accept they themselves fit that exact same profile except they accommodated and were compromised by Eastern elements of false religion, like imitating long haired gurus with long haired priests, replacing meditation with the hesychasm, and shrines of multiple idol gods turned into icons and prayers to multiple saints.
THE GREAT SCHISM OF 1054: so up until this point the Roman Catholics And Eastern Orthodox are (loosely, remember!) supposed to have been "one church" doing all their war and butchery together.
1054 – (1st) Battle of Manzikert: - a successful defense of the city of Manzikert by Byzantine forces under Basil Apocapes against the Seljuk Turks led by sultan Toğrül
1057 - Hades,
1061 - Robert Guiscard invaded Sicily with his brother Roger, capturing Messina in 1061 - One of many clashes with the Byzantines after the Great Schism.
1066 - The Battle of Hastings:
QUOTE: "Bishop Odo of Bayeux, William's (the Bastard or Conquerer) half-brother and second in command. fought in the Battle of Hastings using a mace in order to prevent the spilling of Christian blood."
1067 – Battle of Caesarea
1068 – 1071 – Siege of Bari
1069 – Battle of Iconium
1070 - Battle of Sebastia, Manuel Komnenos defeated and captured at Sebastia by a Turkish force led by Arisiaghi .
1071 – (2nd) Battle of Manzikert: was fought between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuk Empire on August 26, 1071 near Manzikert (modern Malazgirt in Muş Province, Turkey). A decisive defeat of the Byzantine army. it is said this led to the First Crusade later.
1077 - Nicaea,
1078 (9?) – Battle of Kalavrye .
1081 – Battle of Dyrrhachium .
1081 - Battle of Dyrrhachium .
1081 - 1185 : The Komnenian restoration. the military, financial, and territorial recovery of the Byzantine Empire.
1084 - Larissa,
1090 - the Battle of Tébar - El Cid (several battles by him), with a combined Christian and Moorish army, defeated and captured Berenguer (nowadays Pinar de Tévar, near Monroyo, Teruel).
1091 – Battle of Levounion.
1095–1099 - First Crusade: (begins)
1096 - April–October - The People's Crusade : Peter the Hermit leads common people and knights to attack the Holy Land, On the way they murdered many Jews in Europe, then in Hungary they plundered cities and King Koloman fought them.
The Battle of Civetot - On Arriving in the Holy Land they where they were quickly crushed by the Sejuk Turks killing about 20,000 of them.
1095–1099 - First Crusade
Battle cry "Deus vult" (Latin for "God wills it") at the declaration of the First Crusade by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095
Pope Urban Preaches The First Crusade (1095) In response to requests from the Byzantine Empire for mercenaries to help them fight the Sejuk Turks, who had overrun the heart of Asia Minor and taken much of the Holy Land in the decades after defeating the Byzantines at Manzikert in 1071, Pope Urban II (1088–1099) called for an armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem to free the Holy Land from the hands of the Saracens.
It has been suggested this Crusade by Catholics and Orthodox, was a covert and cunning attempt by Pope Urban to reunite both religions back into one, and perhaps seeing this the Orthodox only help to start the crusade more than help finish it.
Peter the Hermit returns joining the Princes Crusade beginning the First Crusade proper.
Western Leaders in First Crusade
1) Raymond IV of Toulouse, (the knights of Provence)
2) Bohemond of Taranto & Tancred, (Normans of southern Italy)
3) The brothers Godfrey of Bouillon, Eustace and Baldwin of Boulogne (The Lorrainers)
4) The Northern French led by Count Robert II of Flanders, Robert of Normandy (older brother of King William II of England), Stephen, Count of Blois, and Hugh of Vermandois the younger brother of King Philip I of France, who bore the papal banner. King Philip himself was forbidden from participating in the campaign as he had been excommunicated.
(all were offered remission of sins by the Pope for going to war).
Eastern Leaders in First Crusade:
1) Alexios I Komnenos
2) Tatikios
3) Manuel Boutoumites
4) Constantine of Armenia
Notice this is after the 1054 schism where they both together are still united in killing, murdering and destroying. Alexios forced the crusader armies from Europe to pledge all future reclaimed land back to the Eastern Empire (him) as they arrived one army at a time and were vulnerable to this "persuasion".
1097 – Siege of Nicaea , Alexios provides troops in the attack. Byzantine ships block harbour, city surrenders to Byzantine sailors. Alexios wont let in Crusaders, gives gift to buy their contentment.
1097 -. Battle of Dorylaeum
1097 - Siege of Antioch
1099 - Jerusalem Massacre.
Establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Battle of Ascalon
12th century: (1101 AD to 1200 AD) .
The High Middle Ages, or High Medieval Period begin, was the period of European history that commenced around 1000 and lasted until around 1300.
1101-1200 - with the popularity of the Cathars. Inquisition and death sentences become more common.
1101 - Crusade of 1101: called: "The Crusade of the Faint-Hearted" was a minor crusade of three separate movements, organized in 1100 and 1101 in the successful aftermath of the First Crusade.
1101 - Post-Crusade of 1101:
1106 - The Battle of Tinchebray.
1107-1110 - Norwegian Crusade. in the aftermath of the First Crusade, by the lead of the Norwegian king Sigurd I. Sigurd 1st was the first European king to ever go on crusade to the Holy Land, for which sin he must answer to God. Essentially it was yet another Viking murderous rampage dressed up as Christian. Not one battle during the crusade was lost.
1113 – Siege of Nicaea
1117 – Battle of Philomelion.
1119 - Creation of the Knights Templar. active until about 1312.
1122 – Battle of Beroia (Byzantine) EmperorJohn II Komnenos really was quite a blood thirsty Byzantine Emperor.
1122–24 - The Venetian Crusade.
1135 and 1153 - The Anarchy was a civil war in England and Normandy
1138 – Siege of Shaizar .
1144 - The Siege of Edessa. the catalyst for the Second Crusade.
1145–1149 - The Second Crusade:
including the
1147 - Wendish Crusade (part of the 2nd Crusade).
1147 - 2nd Battle of Dorylaeum.
Post-Second Crusade:
Armenian Principality
1155 - Apulia,
1156 - Brindisi,
1163–1169 - Crusader invasions of Egypt:
1167 – Battle of Sirmium .
1176 – Battle of Myriokephalon .
1172 - 1212 - Spanish Christian / Muslim War .
1177 – Battle of Hyelion and Leimocheir
1182 : The Massacre of the Latins : was a massacre of the Catholic (called "Latin") inhabitants of Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, by the Orthodox, called by the Orthodox "an assorted mob" (the supporters of the usurper (matter of perspective) Andronikos Komnenos) in April 1182. This may have been fuelled by
1) The Great Schism
2) several past battles with catholic invaders, such as Robert Guiscard invasion of Sicily,
3) The First Crusaders breaking the agreement to give conquered land over to the Byzantines.
4) The failure of the second crusade, making the Latins just look like dispensable failures and now thus cultural / religious invaders.
1184 - Arnoldists condemned - by Pope Lucius III Synod of Verona in .[3]
1184 - Inquisition in Languedoc (south of France.)
Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s)
1185 – Sack of Thessalonica
1185 –Battle of Demetritzes
1187 - Saladin reconquered Jerusalem from the "Christians" in 1187,
1187 – Siege of Lovech
1187 - Constantinople,
1190 - Tryavna,
1191 - Morava,
1189–1192 - The Third Crusade :
Kingdom of Cilicia
1190 – Battle of Tryavna
1191: Arsuf (1191) Richard the Lion Heart defeats Saladin at Arsuf.
1194 – Battle of Arcadiopolis
1196 – Battle of Serres
1197 - Crusade of 1197: called "The German Crusade" or "The Crusade of Henry VI" was a crusade launched by the Hohenstaufen Emperor Henry VI in response to the aborted attempt of his father, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa during the Third Crusade in 1189–90. Thus the military campaign is also known as "The Emperor's Crusade."
1198-1212 - War against Livonians.
13th century: (1201 AD to 1300 AD) .
1200 - After 1200, a Grand Inquisitor headed each Inquisition. Grand Inquisitions persisted until the mid 19th century!!!
1201-1290 - Wars against Curonians and Semigallians.
1201 – Siege of Varna
1202–1204 - The Fourth Crusade :
Eastern Christian opponents:
Byzantine Empire
Latin Christian opponents:
Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia
Alexios III Angelos
Alexios V Doukas
1203 – Siege of Constantinople – First attack on Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade, deposition of Alexios III Angelos
1204 – Siege of Constantinople – Second attack and capture of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade, dissolution of the Byzantine Empire, establishment of the Latin Empire. In short instead of going on a quest to "save Jerusalem" the crusaders decided to sack Constantinople. A major event in history, and perhaps revenge for "the massacre of the Latins" in 1182?
1205 – Battle of the Olive Grove of Kountouras
1205 – Battle of Adramyttium
1205-1427 - Byzantine–Latin wars: (many battles)
1205–06 – Siege of Trebizond.
1206-1261 - Wars against Saaremaa.
1206 1324 - Mongol Wars and Conquests.
in his reign from Spring 1206 – August 18, 1227 - Genghis Khan is estimated to have killed 40 million people!!!. (about 10% of the Earth's population at that time) and 1,748,000 in one hour! People fleeing from the Mongols into other countries were forced to "convert" to so called Christianity by the Catholics and Orthodox, such as King Bela IVth and were also often made to join the army.
1207 – Siege of Attalia.
1208-1224 - War against the Estonians .
1208-1224 - War against Latgallians and Selonians.
1209–1229 - The Albigensian Crusade or the Cathar Crusade: was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in Languedoc, in southern France
1211 – Battle of Antioch on the Meander
1211 – Battle of the Rhyndacus
1212 - The Children's Crusade: (there are said to have been more than one of these tragic crusades.)
1214 – Siege of Sinope
1217–1221 - The Fifth Crusade: (1213?)
1222–23 – Siege of Trebizond
1223 or 1224 – Battle of Poimanenon
1223 - The Battle of Kalka River (Mongols defeat Russians)
1224 - Thessalonica,
1227–1241 - Pope Gregory IX assigned the duty of carrying out inquisitions to the Dominican Order and Franciscan Order.
He dedicated himself to the destruction of splinter groups who divorced themselves from the Holy Mother Church. This epoch in Roman Catholic history spanned over six centuries. They suppressing, burning at the stake, torturing, expulsion, life imprisonment, and excommunication of heretics: Waldensians, Petrobusians, Berengarians, Cathars, Bogomils, etc.
1228–1229 - The Sixth Crusade: started by Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick II. instead of a Pope, for the first time.
1229 - The Inquisition was permanently established, run largely by the Dominicans in Rome and later at Carcassonne in Languedoc. called The Papal Inquisition (1230s).
1230-1248 - Spanish Christian / Muslim war.
1230 – Battle of Klokotnitsa – Bulgarians defeat and capture Theodore Komnenos Doukas .
1233 - War against the Stedingers of Friesland.
1235 – Siege of Constantinople – Unsuccessful joint Bulgarian–Nicaean siege of Constantinople.
1237 - Mongol Raids on Russia
1239 - The Barons' Crusade: broadly spanned from 1234-1241.
1242 - Battle of the Ice - Alexander Nevsky defeats Teutonic Knights
1241 - Battle of Mohi The Mongols invaded Hungary and annihilated Béla's so called "Christian" army.
1246 - Battle of Leitha River:
1248 – 1254 - The Seventh Crusade:
1252 - "Ad extirpanda" (the Papal bull) of Pope Innocent IV, the rules allowing torture in the Inquisition.
1249 - Rhodes,
The Late Middle Ages or Late Medieval Period begins. was the period of European history lasting from 1250 to 1500.
1253 - Russia lives under the Tatar Yoke.
1254 – Battle of Adrianople .
1256 - from this date inquisitors were given absolution if they used instruments of torture.
1259 – Battle of Pelagonia
1260 – Siege of Constantinople
1260 - Battle of Ain Jalut - Muslim Mamluks defeat the Mongols in the southeastern Galilee, in the Jezreel Valley, The was the beginning of the fall of the Mongol empire, destroyed by internal divisions (just as European self defence was hindered by the same thing) and the black plague of 1349 devastated them on their trade routes. Then in 1368 the Ming Dynasty overthrew them seizing back lands.
1260 - The Battle of Kressenbrunn: was fought in July 1260 near Groissenbrunn in Lower Austria between the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of Hungary for the possession of the duchies of Austria and Styria.
1260? - Thomas Aquinas (Catholic) wrote "The Rules of Just war".
1261 (?) - Constantinople.
1263 – Battle of Prinitza .
1263 – Battle of Settepozzi .
1263 or 1264 – Battle of Makryplagi .
1264 - Thessalonica,
1270 - The Eighth Crusade:
1271–1272 - The Ninth Crusade:
1272/73 or 1274/75 – Battle of Neopatras
1272/73 or 1274/75 – Battle of Demetrias
1277 - Pharsalus,
1279 – Battle of Devina
1280–81 – Siege of Berat
1291 - Siege of Acre - victory of the Mamelukes.
1296 1328 - First War of Scottish Independence.
Ottoman Empire Begins -
the Turkish empire, established in northern Anatolia by Osman I at the end of the 13th century and expanded by his successors to include all of Asia Minor and much of SE Europe. After setbacks caused by the invasion of the Mongol ruler Tamerlane in 1402, Constantinople was captured in 1453. The empire reached its zenith under Suleiman in the mid 16th century; it had greatly declined by the 19th century and collapsed after the First World War.
14th century: (1301 AD to 1400 AD) .
1302 (?) 1304 (?) – Battle of Bapheus – First Ottoman victory over the regular Byzantine army
1304 - Battle of Skafida – Bulgarians defeat the Byzantines
1305 - Battle of Apros -The Catalan Company defeats the Byzantines .
1309 (?) 1310 (?) - Conquest of Rhodes - Hospitaller capture Rhodes .
1317-1326 - Bursa,
1320–26 – Siege of Prussia – The Ottomans capture the city of Prussa, which becomes their capital.
1323 - 1328 - The Peasant revolt in Flanders .
1326 1332 - Polish / Teutonic War
1329 – Battle of Pelekanon – The Ottomans defeat the last Byzantine attempt to defend Asia Minor/
1328–31 – Siege of Nicaea – Ottomans capture the city of Nicaea.
1332 – Battle of Rusokastro – Bulgarians defeat the Byzantines.
1333–37 – Siege of Nicomedia – Fall of Nicomedia to the Ottomans.
1337 to 1453 - The Hundred Years War was a series of conflicts waged from
1337 to 1453 by the House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against the French House of Valois, over the right to rule the Kingdom of France.
1337–1360 - the Edwardian War (1337–1360) Phase 1 of The Hundred Years War,
1341–1365 - War of the Breton Succession .
1352 - Bosporus,
1352 - Didymoteichon,
1354 – Fall of Gallipoli – Capture of Gallipoli by the Ottomans, first Ottoman stronghold in Europe.
1356–1369 - the War of the Two Peters in Aragon .
1362 - The Battle of Bluewaters .
1365 - Adrianople,
1366 – Reconquest of Gallipoli – Amadeus VII, Count of Savoy, recovers Gallipoli for the Byzantines.
1366–1369 - The Castilian Civil War .
1366 - Gallipoli,
1368–72 - Lithuanian–Muscovite War . the beginnings of dozens of wars and battles waged by the "Grand Duchy of Moscow" over several centuries, ending with Fifth Muscovite-Lithuanian War (1534–1537) .
1369–1389 - the Caroline War . Phase 2 of The Hundred Years War.
1378 to 1417 - THE WESTERN SCHISM (rival Popes).
1380 - Battle of Kulikovo Field .
1381 - The Peasants' Revolt - The Peasants' Revolt was a rebellion of peasants in England, June 15th: Tyler meets the king. Tyler is killed. King Richard II orders his troops to destroy the rebels, and they kill over a thousand.
1382 - Battle of Roosebeke, the oriflamme, The French against the Flemings, because they were Urbanists and thus viewed by the French as schismatics.
1382 to 1395 - Wycliffe's Bible published.
1383–85 - The crisis in Portugal.
1356 - The Battle of Poitiers .
1390 – Fall of Philadelphia – Ottomans capture Philadelphia, the last Byzantine stronghold in Asia
15th century: (1401 AD to 1500 AD) .
The European Renaissance begins. (15th and 16th centuries)
Phase 3 of The Hundred Years War.
1410 - Catholics burn at the stake the Lollard John Badby -
1411 – Siege of Constantinople: – Ottomans besiege Constantinople.
1415–1453 - the Lancastrian War
1415 - Battle of Agincourt.
1419 - 1434 - Hussite Wars, Battle of Lipany - European Wars of Religion
1420 - The 1st Hussite Crusade. Pope Martin V, issued a bull on 17 March 1420 - proclaiming a crusade "for the destruction of the Wycliffites, Hussites and all other heretics in Bohemia". (Please notice the warper historical emphasis on the Hussies when many pre-Reformation Protestants were in fact also the target). The Siege of Prague. (see Battle of Vyšehrad). the Battle of Sudoměř: (25 March 1420), Sigismund was defeated at the Battle of Vítkov Hill on July 1420.
1421 - The 2nd Hussite Crusade: Sigismund took possession of the town of Kutná Hora but was decisively defeated by Jan Žižka at the Battle of Deutschbrod (Německý Brod) on 6 January 1422. (Civil war in Bohemia - Jan Želivský beheaded).
1422 - The 3rd Hussite Crusade: Papacy calls for a new 3rd crusade against Bohemia, but it resulted in complete failure, After several military successes gained by Žižka in 1423 and the following year, a treaty of peace between the Hussite factions was concluded on 13 September 1424 at Libeň, a village near Prague, now part of that city.
1422 – Siege of Constantinople – Ottomans besiege Constantinople
1422–30 – Siege of Thessalonica – Ottomans besiege and capture Thessalonica (after 1423 held by Venice).
1425 1454 - Wars in Lombardy.
1426 - 1427 - The 4th Hussite Crusade: Hussite forces, led by Prokop and Sigismund Korybut, signally defeated the invaders in the Battle of Aussig. Pope Martin V, to believe that the Hussites were much weakened. Martin proclaimed yet another crusade in 1427. He appointed Cardinal Henry Beaufort of England as Papal Legate of Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia, to lead the crusader forces.. The crusaders were defeated at the Battle of Tachov. But after a few years, Korybut returned to Poland with his men. Korybut and his Poles, however, did not really want to leave; but the Pope threatened to call a crusade against Poland if they did not.
1427 - Echinades,
1427 – Battle of the Echinades.
1428 – 1429 - The Siege of Orléans.
1431 - Catholics burn Joan of Arc (then later make her a saint).
1431 - 1439 - The 5th Hussite Crusade: n 1 August 1431 a large army of crusaders under Frederick I, Elector of Brandenburg, accompanied by Cardinal Cesarini as papal legate, crossed the Bohemian border. On 8 August the crusaders reached the city of Domažlice and began besieging it. On 14 August, a Hussite relief army arrived, reinforced with some 6,000 Polish Hussites and under the command of Prokop the Great, and it completely routed the crusaders at the resulting Battle of Domažlice. As the legend has it, upon seeing the Hussite banners and hearing their battle hymn, "Ktož jsú boží bojovníci" ("Ye Who are Warriors of God"), the invading Papal forces immediately took to flight.
1434 - the Battle of Lipany. war again broke out between the Utraquists and the Taborites. On 30 May 1434, the Taborite army, led by Prokop the Great and Prokop the Lesser, who both fell in the battle, was totally defeated and almost annihilated. The Polish Hussite movement also came to an end.
1439 - the Battle of Grotniki, - Polish royal troops under Władysław III of Varna defeated the Hussites. bringing the Hussite Wars to an end.
1447-1448 - Albanian-Venetian War
1453 – Fall of Constantinople – Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II captures Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire. (some now declare Moscow the "New Rome")
The Early modern period of modern history begins. beginning with the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 through to about the beginning of the Age of Revolutions , and ending around the French Revolution in 1789. (The beginnings of Globalization).
1450 - Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press.
1453 - Muslims capture Constantinople. Many Orthodox flee to Russia, some Orthodox say "Moscow is the 3d Rome" (schism in Orthodoxy? as many would deny this??) until 1917.
1454 -1466 - Thirteen Years' War.
1455 1485 - Wars of the Roses.
1460 - Pope Pius II calls for a Crusade against the Ottomans, but it never materializes. It is almost as doctrinally significant calling for a Crusade that never happens as it is to call for one that does happen. A list should therefore be compiled of Crusades called for that never happened. All this goes to prove Orthodoxy and Catholicism both teach the heresy that Jesus taught war.
1461 - The Battle of Towton. War of the Roses, England. The bloodiest battle in British history.
1461 – Siege of Trebizond – Sultan Mehmed II captures Trebizond, ending the Empire of Trebizond:
1462 - The Battle of Targoviste - a night attack, fought between the armies of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II and Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia. Better known as “Vlad the Impaler” or “Dracula,” The real Vlad was a hardened veteran of the long Ottoman conquest of the Balkans.
1463-1718 - Ottoman–Venetian Wars :
1475 - The Battle of Vaslui (also referred to as the Battle of Podul Înalt or the Battle of Racova) was fought on 10 January 1475, between Stephen III (Catholic) of Moldavia and the Ottoman governor of Rumelia (Muslim), Hadım Suleiman Pasha. Stephen inflicted a decisive defeat on the Ottomans, described as "the greatest ever secured by the Cross (???) against Islam," with casualties, according to Venetian and Polish records, reaching beyond 40,000 on the Ottoman side.
1476/7 - Vlad the Impaler (Catholic) dies in battle.
1478 - Spanish Inquisition starts (lasting 300 years!).
1479 - the battle of Breadfield (Câmpul Pâinii 1479),
1480 Siege of Otranto , 813 Catholic martyrs refused to convert to Islam when the city fell to an Ottoman force under Gedik Ahmed Pasha.
1480 - Ugra River Standoff . Tatar Yoke finally broken .
1481-1492 - Spanish "Christian" / Muslim war.
1486 - the book Malleus Maleficarum, "The Hammer of the Witches" is published. Catholics blame witches for bad weather.
1492 - Fall of Granada: Spain is regained.
1492 - the voyages of Christopher Columbus .
The Age of Discovery, or The Age of Exploration begins? (variously described as approximately from the beginning of the 15th century until the middle of the 17th century.
1493 - Battle of Krbava .
1496–1499 - Russo-Swedish War
1498 (23 May) - Girolamo Savonarola is burnt.
16th Century: (1501 AD to 1600 AD) .