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The History of Killing 4


16th Century:   (1501 AD to 1600 AD) .

1500 - Battle Of Hemmingstedt, - was an attempt by king John of Denmark and his brother Duke Frederick, who were co-dukes of Schleswig and Holstein, to subdue the peasantry of Dithmarschen, who had established a peasants' republic on the coast of the North Sea. John was at the time also king of the Kalmar Union 

1509 1512 - Ottoman Civil War.

1514 - Battle of Chaldiran.


1517  -  Martin Luther issues the ninety-five theses (but did the Reformation really start with the Lollards or even earlier?)

1520 - The troops of Holy Roman Emperor Charles 5th are kept busy battling invasions of the Ottoman Empire, probably preventing a massacre of new Protestants, or clamping down on their influence.

Conquistadores begin their massacres.

1519 to 1521 -  Hernán Cortés waged a brutal campaign against the Aztec Empire, ruled by Moctezuma II.

1521-1526 - Four Years War.

1522 -  The Affair of the Sausages = was the event that sparked the Reformation in Zürich.

1524-1525 - The German Peasants' War, Great Peasants' War or Great Peasants' Revolt was a widespread popular revolt in some German-speaking areas in Central Europe from 1524 to 1525. It failed because of the intense opposition by the aristocracy, who slaughtered up to 100,000 of the 300,000 poorly armed peasants and farmers.[1] The survivors were fined and achieved few, if any, of their goals.

1529 - 1532 - Inca Civil War. 

1530? - ​Francisco de Vitoria (Catholic) refines Catholic "Rules of just war".


1531 1572 - Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire. 

1534-1536 - Count's War.

1537 1548 - Conquistador Civil War in Peru. 

1545 - Massacre of Mérindol - Catholics murder thousands of Waldensians. (see 1655)

1547 - Ivan the Terrible conquers Tatar lands (shoe on the other foot)

1546 - Schmalkaldic War.

1552 - Siege of Kazan . Russia versus Khanate of Kazan.

1554 - 1557 - Russo-Swedish War.

1558 - 1583 - Livonian War - Ivan the Terrible defeated by Sweden .

1559-1560 - Anglo Scottish War. 

1562 (to 1598) - First War of Religion. The French Wars of Religion were a prolonged period of war and popular unrest between Roman Catholics and Huguenots (Reformed/Calvinist Protestants) in France between 1562 t0 1598.

1563 - 1564 - Burmeseâ / Siamese War. 

1563 - Foxes Book of Martyrs is published.


1568 -  1648 - Eighty Years' War. 

1567-1568 - Second War of Religion.


1568-1570 - Third War of Religion.

1571 1571 - Russo-Crimean War.

1570 1573 - Ottoman / Venetian War. 

1570-1571 - The Siege of Famagusta - happened in Venetian-controlled Famagusta, the last Christian possession in Cyprus. Famagusta fell to the Ottomans 1571.

1571 - Battle of Lepanto: This was a massive naval battle fought on October 7, 1571 in the gulf separating mainland Greece and the Peloponnese. The Ottoman Empire was intent on dominating the Mediterranean and had recently taken the island of Cyprus from the Venetians. In response, Pope Pius V formed a coalition known as the Holy League, 

1571 ? - Moscow burnt . 

1572 - Battle of Molodi .

1572St. Bartholomew's Day massacre .

1572-1573 - Fourth War of Religion.

1574-1576 - Fifth War of Religion.

1576-1577 - Sixth War of Religion.

1578 - The 1578 edition of the Directorium Inquisitorum is published.

1579-1580 - Seventh War of Religion.

1581 - Ivan the Terrible murders his own son.

1582 - Yermak Timofeyevich conquers Tatars .

1585-1598 - Eighth War of Religion.

1588 - The war of the three Henry's. 

1588 - the Spanish Armada is sunk by God.

1589-1598 - Ninth War of Religion..

1593–1601 - Michael II, or Michael the Brave, wins many clever victories against the Ottoman Empire 1593–1601.

1595 - Battle of Calugareni - saw a Turkish army of up to 40,000 confronted by around 15,000 Romanians led by Michael the Brave. The Romanians were defending a narrow bridge over the Neajlov River, which the Turks needed to take to continue their advance.

see video:

The European Renaissance Period ends.  (15th and 16th centuries)


17th Century:  (1601 AD to 1700 AD) .


1600 1611 - Polish / Swedish War.

1601 - 1613 - The Time of Troubles in Russia.

1611 - the King James version of the Bible is printed.

1602 1661 - Dutch / Portuguese War.

1612 - Liberation of Moscow . (commemorated on Russian national unity day)

1613 - beginning of the rule of the Romanovs . 

1614 - Christianity is outlawed in Japan.

1618-1648 - The 30 Years War: was a war fought primarily in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. One of the most destructive conflicts in human history,[24] it resulted in eight million fatalities not only from military engagements but also from violence, famine, and plague. Initially a war between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire, it gradually developed into a more general conflict involving most of the European great powers. 

1634 1638 - Pequot War.

1635 1659 - Franco-Spanish War.

1637 - The Shimabara Revolt.

1640 - 1701 - Beaver Wars (Iroquois).

1641 - The Irish Rebellion. 

1642 1646 - First English Civil War.

1646 - Treaty of Westphalia, 

1648 - 1649 - Second English Civil War.

1649 - The Sobornoye Ulozheniye is initiated, the legal code promulgated by the Zemsky Sobor under Tsar Alexis 1st of Russia as a replacement for the Sudebnik of 1550 introduced by Ivan IV of Russia. One of the most terrible moments in history turning Russian peasants into surfs or in effect slaves, their status inherited by their children, with no freedom to travel or choose their "employer". note Alexis of Russia was Orthodox who supported the Nikon changes, his evils also include war as usual with Orthodox rulers.

1649 1651 - Third English Civil War.

1649 - First High Court of Justice trial of a king.

1652 1654 - First Anglo-Dutch War.

1654 - the Patriarch Nikon versus the Old Believers Schism occurs, leading to much persecution of the old believers, partly over the introduction of a new hand position to do the Trinitarian formula cross sign.

1654 - Treaty of Pereyaslav .

1654 - 1667 - The 13 Years War in Russia

1654 1660 - Anglo-Spanish War.


1655 - The Piedmont Massacre of the Waldensians, exceptionally brutal. Tortured similar to Vlad the impaler. (see 1545). Prompting John Milton's poem on the Waldenses, "On the Late Massacre in Piedmont" .

1655 1655 - Peach Tree War (Susquehannock).

1656 - Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch Macarios III Zaim lamented over the atrocities committed by the Polish Catholics against followers of Eastern Orthodoxy

1660 - Martyrs Mirror (or The Bloody Theater) first published in Holland in by Thieleman J. van Braght, Anabaptists martyrs.

1666 - 1st Covenanter's Rebellion.

1671 - Stenka Razin executed in Russia for an uprising .

1675 1676 - King Philip's War.

1679 - 2nd Covenanter's Rebellion.

​​1683 1699 - Great Turkish War.

1683 - The Battle of Vienna - The breaking of the siege of Vienna in 1683 effectively halted the Ottoman advance into Western Europe for good and marked the peak of the Ottoman-Habsburg War, which lasted from about 1526 to 1791.

1685 - 3rd Covenanter's Rebellion.

1685 - Old Believers Schism - ​After 1685, a period of persecutions began, including both torture and executions.

1686 - Treaty of Eternal Peace signed .

1688 1697 - Nine Years' War including King William's War.

1689 1692 - Jacobean Rising in Scotland​​

BRITISH EMPIRE = (late 17th Century to early 19th century, almost all regaining independence by the end of WW2. In essence the British spent the resources gained from a corrupt Empire to fund stopping the Germans taking over Europe in two World Wars, and whereas they had much to repent of with slavery, they also stopped Sati in India.)

18th Century:  (1701 AD to 1800 AD) .

1700 - Treaty of Constantinople .

1700 - Peter 1st imposes a beard tax in Russia . Later he is declared "Peter the Great" 

1700-1721 -  Great Northern War: Swedish Empire against Russia.


1701- 1714 -  War of the Spanish Succession: Spanish loyal to Charles, Austria, Prussia, Hanover, Great Britain, Dutch Republic against Spanish loyal to Philip, France, Bavaria.


1702-1713  -  Queen Anne’s War (Part of the War of Spanish Succession)

Great Britain against Spain.

1711 - 1715 - Tuscarora War. 


1712 1716 - First Fox War.

1715 1717 - Yamasee War.

1721 1763 - Chickasaw Wars.

1728 1733 - Second Fox War.

1733-1738  -  War of Polish Succession:  Polish supporters of Stanisław I Leszczyński, France. Spain, Sardinia, Parma against Polish supporters of Augustus II, Russian Empire, Hapsburg Empire, Saxony, Prussia,


1739-1748  -  War of Jenkins Ear: (Became part of the War of Austrian Succession) Great Britain against Spain.

1740-1742  -  First Silesian War: (Part of the War of Austrian Succession)

Hapsburg Empire against Prussia. Fought about a female heir, The first of many wars through Frederick the Great


1741-1747  -  Italian Campaigns: (Part of the War of Austrian Succession)

Spain, Naples, France against Hapsburg Empire, Prussia.


1744-1745  -  Second Silesian War: (Part of the War of Austrian Succession)

Hapsburg Empire against Prussia.


1744-1748  -  King George’s War: (Part of the War of Austrian Succession)

Great Britain against France.


1745-1746  -  Jacobite Uprising: (The Forty-Five)

Great Britain against Jacobites, France.


1746-1748  -  First Carnatic War: (Part of the War of Austrian Succession)

Great Britain against France, Mughal Empire.

1748-1754  -  Second Carnatic War:  Great Britain against Mughal Empire.


1754- 1763  - French and Indian War: (Became Part of the Seven Years War)

Great Britain against France.


1756-1763  -  Seven Years War: (Third Silesian War)  Prussia, Hanover, Great Britain, Brunswick against France, Austria, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Saxony, Mughal Empire.

1757-1762  -  Pomeranian War: (Part of the Seven Years War)

Prussia against Sweden.

1759 - Battle of Kunersdorf . 

1758-1763  -  Third Carnatic War: (Became Part of the Seven Years War)

Great Britain against France, Mughal Empire.

1758 1761 - Anglo-Cherokee War.

1762 - Catherine II of Russia helps kill of her husband?​

1763 - 1766 - Pontiac's War.

1768 - 1774 - Russo vs Turkish War . (Catherine II)

1773-1774 - Pugachev Revolt .(Catherine II)

1775 - Zaporozhian Cossacks forced into Russian Empire  Catherine II

1775-1783  -  American Revolutionary War: (American War of Independence)

United States, France, Spain against Great Britain.

1776 - 1794 - Chickamauga Wars.

1783 - Crimean Khanate Annexed - completing NovoRossiya (new Russia) Catherine II

1784   -  Catherine II conquers / grabs part of Poland ,

1791 - Pale of Settlement, Catherine II segregates Jews from society .

1779 - 1783 - Anglo-Spanish War.

1785 - 1795 - Northwest Indian War.

1787-1792  -  Austro-Turkish War:  Austrian Empire against Ottoman Empire

1787-1792  -  Second Russo-Turkish War:  Russian Empire against Ottoman Empire.

1789-1799 -  The French Revolution:  French Royalists against French Republicans.

1791 - 1804 - Haitian Revolution.

​1792-1797  -  War of the First Coalition: (French Revolutionary Wars) (Precursor to the Napoleonic Wars)  France against Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, Naples, Sicily.


1798-1799  -  Egypt Campaign: (Precursor to the Napoleonic Wars)

France against Great Britain, Ottoman Empire.


1798-1802  -  War of the Second Coalition: (Part of the Napoleonic Wars)

France against Austria, Russia, Turkey, United Kingdom, Portugal, Naples.

19th Century:  (1801 AD to 1900 AD) .


The Age of Revolutions  begins. (c. 1800)

1803 1815 - The Napoleonic Wars.

1803 - Souliote War:


1803 - 1815  - 3 Ottoman invasions of Mani.

1804 1813 - Russo-Persian War.​

1808 - Battle of Bailen, Catholic Spanish troops surround Napoleon's French troops, forcing 18,000 to surrender, later starving to death about 9,000 of them.


1808 1810 - Rum Rebellion.

1808-1809 - Finnish Russian war

1808 1833 - Spanish American wars of independence.


1810 1821 - Mexican War of Independence.

1812 - The war of 1812 - was a conflict fought between the United States, the United Kingdom, and their respective allies.  Historians in Britain often see it as a minor theater of the Napoleonic Wars; in the United States and Canada, it is seen as a war in its own right, though it was separate. From the outbreak of war with Napoleonic France, Britain had enforced a naval blockade to choke off neutral trade to France, which the US contested as illegal under international law.

1812 - Battle of Borodino - the bloodiest battle in the Napoleonic wars, The Orthodox troops were blessed by Orthodox priests and bishops, as usual. Napoleon won, but the Russian army escaped, refused to negotiate after Moscow was taken, and the freezing weather trekking home destroyed Napoleon's army.

1813 1814 - Creek War.(Alabama USA).

1817-1864 - Caucasian War (Russo)

1817 1858 - Seminole Wars.

1818 1828 - Zulu Wars of Conquest.

1820 1875 - Texas / Indian wars.

1821 1848 - Comanche / Mexico War.

1821 - 1832  - Greek War of Independence: (many battles).

1823 - Greek civil wars:

1825 - decemberists revolt is defeated - leads to Emperor Nicholas I forming a triple state system of Autocracy/Orthodoxy/Nationality (leaving a huge percentage of the people still serfs)

1825 1830 - Java War.

1826-28 Russo Persian war

1827 1827 - Winnebago War.

1828-1829 -  Russo Turkish  War .

1832 1832 - Black Hawk War.

1832 - the Treaty of Constantinople.

1835  - 1836 - Texas Revolution.

1839 - 1842 - First Opium War.

1841 - Cretan Revolt against Ottoman Empire:   

1845Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, expressed the philosophy that drove 19th-century U.S. territorial expansion. Manifest Destiny held that the United States was destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent.

1846 - 1864 - Navajo Wars.

1846 - 1848 - Mexican-American War.

1847 - War of the Sonderbund. 

1848-1849 - Hungarian Revolt .

1849 1924 - Apache Wars. .

1850 1865 - California Indian Wars .

1851-1864 - Taiping Rebellion.

1853-1856 - Crimean War

1854 - Epirus: Greek revolt against Ottoman Empire.

1854-1864 - Tukulor / French war. 

1858-1898 -  many Cretan Revolts against the Ottoman Empire.

1861 - Emancipation of Russian Serfs (but still trapped in poverty)

1861 1865 - American Civil War.

1864 1868 - Snake War.

1866 1868 - Red Cloud's War.

1867 1875 - Comanche Campaign.

1876-1878 - Serbo Turkish War.

1876 1877 - Great Sioux War (Black Hills War).

1877 1877 - Nez Perce War.

1877-1878 - Russo Turkish War. 

1878 - Revolts in Thessaly, Macedonia and Epirus against Ottoman's.

1878 - 1879 - Cheyenne War.

1879 - 1879 - Sheepeater Indian War.

1879 - 1880 - Victorio's War.

1897 - Greco-Turkish War:

1899 - 1901 - Boxer Rebellion.

1899 - 1902 - Second Boer War​

20th Century:  (1901 AD to 2000 AD) .

​1904-1908 - Herero and Nama genocide - committed by the Germans in Africa which may well have influenced Hitler later on, as it was also committed to make "Lebensraum" colonialist land grabbing by settlers, as in Mein Kampf.  

1904-1908 - The Greek Struggle in Macedonia: Greek battles with Bulgarians


1905 - Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian Empire, some of which was directed at the government. It included worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military mutinies., and killing of Jews.

1905-1906 - Theriso revolt :  

1910 1921 - Mexican Revolution.

1912-1913 - Balkan Wars:

1914–1918 - World War 1, Tzar of Russia takes command of his "Orthodox army", is defeated, and is blamed for the defeats, then assassinated.

1917 1923 - Russian Civil War /  


1917-1918 - Estonian War of Independence (thus this period of history simply being called WW2, as if German expansion was the only issue is a vast oversimplification, as Estonia, Latvia. Lithuania, Belarus, Poland and the Ukraine all wanted independence and as the Germans retreated (who wanted to take over)  and they fought Russia (who also wanted to take over)  to remain free the Orthodox may have fought the Orthodox (I am researching this now, don't quite understand yet how WW1  and The Russian Civil war and these wars of Independence crossover - very complicated to trace Orthodox troop involvement)


Estonian War of Independence animated .

Russian Revolution 1917 .

the revolution in the Russian empire in 1917, in which the tsarist regime was overthrown and replaced by Bolshevik rule under Lenin. Some say Communists murdered between 12 and 20 million Orthodox and others calling themselves Christians.

1918: Battle of Imbros:  Mediterranean Theater

1918: Battle of Skra-di-Legen : Balkans Campaign / Macedonian Front

1918: Battle of Doiran:  Balkans Campaign / Macedonian Front


1919-1923 - Greco-Turkish War:

1919 1921 - Irish War of Independence.

1923 - Corfu incident:

1925 - Incident at Petrich:

1927 1949 - Chinese Civil War.

1932–1933 - Soviet famine : induced by bad decision making by Stalin such as collectivization, It has been estimated that between 3.3 and 3.9 million died in Ukraine, between 2 and 3 million died in Russia, and 1.5-2 million died in Kazakhstan.

1936-1938 - The Great Terror: also known as Yezhovschina or The Great Purge, Historians estimate the total number of deaths due to Stalinist repression in 1937–38 to be between 950,000 and 1.2 million.

1936 1939 - Spanish Civil War.

1939–1945  -  The Second World War,  The Russians, Greeks, and many other predominantly Eastern Orthodox countries fought in World War 2. I have yet to hear of a massive doctrinal pacifist objection being put forward by the Eastern Orthodox church or clergy.

1941 - Battle of Greece/ German Invasion of Greece:

1941-1945 - Greek Resistance against Axis occupation:

see link:

Greece in World War 2: 


1946-1949 - Greek Civil War :    

1947 1949 - Israeli War of Independence.

1950-1958 - Korean War, Greek Expeditionary Force in Korea:

1952 1960 - Mau Mau Uprising.


1959–1961 - Famine induced by Mao Tse-tung. Total deaths: 15–55 million

Country: People's Republic of China.

1960 - present day - World War 3? - a chemical war and abortion war begins.

The pill is approved for contraceptive use. In my opinion world war 3 has already started and is still going on today, a chemical war to murder babies. It is little realised that unlike the first contraceptive pills the modern pills are also abortion pills using progesterone. Abortions in clinics also massively increase. The Europeans were and are killing off millions upon millions of European babies, causing a massive increase in the Muslim / Arab population of the USA and Europe, and therefore a growing crisis of culture and values in the western world.

1953 - 1959 - Cuban Revolution.

1954 - 1962 - Algerian War.

1955 - 1975 - Vietnam War.

1955-1972 - First Sudanese Civil War.

1961 1961 - Bay of Pigs Invasion.

1967 - Nigerian Civil War.

1967 - Israel 6 Day War.

1973 - Yom Kippur War.

1974 - Turkish invasion of Cyprus:

Greece has also been involved in many UN and NATO interventions.

1975 - Lebanese Civil War.

1975 to 1979 - Cambodian Genocide. Pol Pot. .1.5 to 2 million people. 


1979 to 1989 - Soviet war in Afghanistan. The USA see this as Soviet expansionism and back the mujahideen . (see 2001) . Some believe the USA training of the mujahideen later led to the knowledge to conceive the plan of 911. It has been suggested that Osama Bin Laden was outraged by the unholy presence of the USA troops later in the Gulf War (1990 1991) in what he regarded as the holiest country on Earth (the home of Mecca), and his reward to the USA for winning the war was 911. Others think Bin Laden was simply paranoid the USA was now going to keep invading Arab countries for oil.

1980's - war induced famines in Ethiopia. 

1980 1988 - Iran / Iraq War.

1988: Mikhail Gorbachev at last allows more freedom of religion in Russia,

1982 1982 - Falklands War.

1982 - Sabra and Shatila Massacre. 

1990 1991 - Gulf War.

1991 1995 - Croatian War of Independence.

1992–1995  -  The Bosnian War, 

1994 - 1998 - The North Korean famine .  Estimates of the death toll vary widely. Out of a total population of approximately 22 million, somewhere between 240,000 and 3,500,000 North Koreans died from starvation or hunger-related illnesses, with the deaths peaking in 1997.[7][8] A 2011 U.S. Census Bureau report estimated the number of excess deaths from 1993 to 2000 to be between 500,000 and 600,000.[9]  .

1998–1999 -  The Kosovo War, 1998–1999


21st Century:  (2001 AD to 2100 AD) .

2001–2013 - The Global War on Terrorism, 

2001–2014 - The War in Afghanistan, 

2003-2011 - Iraq War .

2004 - Yelwa Massacre. 

2006-2009 - War in Somalia .

2008 2009 - Gaza War .

The Orthodox Church in America

           a Puppet of Russia.

Post-reconciliation schism:

Critics of the reunification argue that "the hierarchy in Moscow still has not properly addressed the issue of KGB infiltration of the church hierarchy during the Soviet period."

( so.... you are potentially confessing

your sins to the KGB / FSB or FSS in America,

as Russian rules over the USA church jurisdiction in Orthodoxy!!)


Founded in 1794 — Granted Autocephaly in 1970 by Russia  -  denied autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

see Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia [c]

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