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Top 140 Orthodox Heresies.


TOP 140. various (authority issues).


131) Orthodoxy is the most oxymoronic faith in the world


132) The Heresy of swearing oaths . ​


133) Ruled over by Pharisees


​​134) Tribalism


​​135) Incense thuribles


​​136) Fake miracles - holy fire is just one


​​137) Bogus hierarchy / pyramid system


138) Orthodox false prophets ​(Pseudo-Pentecostalism) .


​​139) Usurpers of Christ!


​​140) Their version of the Talmud . The corporate Traditions, rituals, inventions of men.


***) Some are Universalist.

















TOP 140 .


131) Canonization in Orthodoxy is called "Glorification to sainthood" - the form of - but Romans 1 tells us all believers are saints. 

132) List of Bogus saints - all clearly sinners or heretics: a whole ship full of them.

133) Changing the meaning of the Greek expressions "believe on" and "believe in" - this means in Greek "to trust in" or "rely on" Jesus for salvation, obviously this is changed by Orthodoxy, just as the word grace is changed.

134) The Three hierarchs (three heretics actually). refers to

1)  Basil the Great (also known as Basil of Caesarea), 329 - 379 AD, 

sins: rules for monastic life (unbiblical), contributions to heretical canon law, and contribution to liturgies. (for centuries the Orthodox told the uneducated public he wrote the Liturgy of St. Basil now they try to retract that.

2) Gregory the Theologian (also known as Gregory of Nazianzus) . 330-389 AD,

sins:  propagated the heretic Origen, Gregory seems to have been an early sacerdotalist (if so he was one of the most evil men who ever lived), his friend Gregory of Nyssa, may have supported some form of the doctrine of apocatastasis,

3) John Chrysostom.  

135: Mortification: this topic has some biblical credibility, but not when it is used as a religious deception device, especially in the sense of it achieving purity or the forgiveness of sin, or connected with the hesychasm or monasticism. 

136) Oversimplification of the character of God:

the Orthodox oversimplify God's character by saying that if God is love (a scripture) he cannot have wrath. It is a puerile oversimplification of God's character,  (do we not also naturally and rightly feel angry about many of the worst crimes we hear of?)

They will even compare a God who has wrath with with demons like Baal and Moloch, in other words they say if God has wrath (he does) he is a sinner!!! Do not forget by saying these things they are talking also about the Holy Spirit.

This is involved in 2 other heresies

1)  No wrath of God means no fires of Hell (loving them tortures them in Orthodox theology)

2)  Jesus never saved us from the wrath of God when he died and rose again, as if he did he achieved salvation for us all on his own, a truth that destroys Orthodox pretensions about a process of salvation that is a synergy. 

137) Forgiveness of sin through Calvary denied - absurdly Orthodoxy argues that as Jesus forgave individual sin before the cross and resurrection. the gospel does not bring forgiveness to mankind (as if it did their junk priestcraft/works gospel falls apart). The fact that the gospel is not necessarily the only way God can forgive sin does not stop the fact that sin was and is washed away by his blood. One must remember the resurrection adds justification (to be made just in God's sight) as well as his crucifixion dealing with sin.

138) Reconciliation

and the Hypostatic Union -

(notice they do not say salvation) In Orthodoxy reconciliation happens in the hypostatic union when Christ is conceived or some say born (the combination of divine and human natures in the single person of Christ.) when the perfection of God and "humankind in its totality" (that is human nature as a collective) are inseparably united in Jesus, (all that is Creator and all that is created) so God reconciles humanity to himself in the person of Christ. 

The cross - in Orthodoxy is Christ entering into death to destroy the power of death, not to forgive sin (>>>) wow heresy. Jesus did not die to earn hell for those who would not be otherwise resurrected.

Eastern Church tends towards a therapeutic model of which sees sin as illness,


139) Renunciation of Errors (in Chrismation ceremonies) - renounce in public the Reformation and the Protestant / Evangelical gospel as false. Laughably they then later on masquerade as Evangelicals as the simple Evangelical gospel is too powerful to oppose.

140) Denial of "the works of the flesh". The Orthodox are very tricky about this issue. They deny the doctrine of Catholicism of "venial sin and mortal sin" but avoid the more directly biblical issue that certain sins are put in the special classification of "works of the flesh".

The Orthodox Church in America

           a Puppet of Russia.

Post-reconciliation schism:

Critics of the reunification argue that "the hierarchy in Moscow still has not properly addressed the issue of KGB infiltration of the church hierarchy during the Soviet period."

( so.... you are potentially confessing

your sins to the KGB / FSB or FSS in America,

as Russian rules over the USA church jurisdiction in Orthodoxy!!)


Founded in 1794 — Granted Autocephaly in 1970 by Russia  -  denied autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

see Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia [c]

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