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Top 200 Orthodox Heresies.


TOP 200.

191) TOP 10 "Holy" Witchcraft - paraphernalia, gesticulations, incantations etc


192) TOP 10 Real Holy sites (Biblical but not identified)


193) TOP 10  Fake Holy Sites .(unbiblical as of human origin)


194) TOP 10  Relics of persons / things in the bible


195) TOP 10   Fake saints relics :


196) TOP 10  Bodies / body parts .


197​) TOP 10  Church artifacts:

198) TOP 10  Architecture


199) TOP 10  Uniforms 


200) TOP 10 Artifact relics - (under construction)



TOP 210.

202) TOP 10 Sins Shared with (modern) Protestantism


​203) TOP 10  Monastic Deceptions.


204) Nepotism


TOP 10 section:

I want to emphasise in a MASSIVE way just how deceptive and corrupt the issue of relics, artifacts and fake religious sites is in the Orthodoxy formula to destroy souls. They in effect try to prove they are the one and only true  church, by saying they have a museum full of holy objects, all "real", to prove that they are, and it is all a big miracle from God, when in reality it is more like a fairground sideshow full of items of pseudo-religious junk. Millions of uneducated people have fallen for these fake items, and millions of more intelligent people for some crazy reason ignore their own realisation it is all cheap trickery.

Relics, artefacts, so bad it is like a "death cult". In times past the lie of having the bones, relics and clothes of every apostle, John the Baptist and Mary etc "proved" to the simple minded that Orthodoxy was and is a church God was trusting with these relics, but in our education enlightened age the same bogus relics are total proof they are frauds.














TOP 200.

(under construction)

Relics, artefacts, so bad it is like a "death cult". In times past the lie of having the bones, relics and clothes of every apostle, John the Baptist and Mary etc "proved" to the simple minded that Orthodoxy was and is a church God was trusting with these relics, but in our education enlightened age the same bogus relics are total proof they are frauds.

191) Church artifacts:

Do not ignore the part church religious artifacts play in the sorcery of Orthodoxy, and their witchcraft and wizardry.  Not only are such things the fulfilment of Simon the Sorcerer's desire for sorcery, but also it is all very similar to the "strange fire" type heresy of Aaron's sons.


1) Icons

1) Chalice,

linked with absurd man made ideas and concepts of holy areas such as the Prothesis, the Iconostasis or Table of Oblation, etc. Also holy uniforms should be worn etc. 

2) Spoon

3) distorted Crosses (and high relief crucifixes) 

4) Bell (in Catholic ceremonies used to show the moment of consubstantiation. I have yet to confirm the ways this is done in Orthodoxy)

5) Thurible / censers .

6) Offertory chalice

8) Litia trays

9) Oil lamps / hanging / standing

10) Zion / Zeon Cup (used to put hot water into the chalice in the Rite of Constantinople)

11) Holy Bread Wood Seal

12) Holy Water brush

13) Candle stands / holders

14) Embroidered emblems

15) Gold (or gold plated) tabernacle

16) Travel communion set

17) Jewellry (also eggs)

18) Crosses (high relief crucifixes) 

19) Staffs and shepherd's crooks / croziers. 

192) Artifact relics - (under construction)


1) Holy Grail.

193) Architecture

(long list)

194) Uniforms (find and erase)

195) Witchcraft paraphernalia - potions, powders, items and substances.

1) Holy water

2) Chrism

3) Mass wine - it is real leavened wine with water added. This liquid is then subjected to various rites and rituals amounting to sorcery. when it supposedly becomes Christs entire body. As I understand it the Orthodox say the same thing as Catholics - the wine is not just his blood, but that in every drop is the entire body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ - which you will notice is therefore claiming they take it literally, but saying something different.. The bread is put into the wine then fed to people on a spoon, perhaps to stop people dropping crumbs and "standing on Jesus". The clergy however take "the elements" separately.

3) Mass bread

4) Myrrh dripped from icons.

5) separate anointing oils

196) Sign of the cross hocus-pocus gesticulations - note a new hand gesture was introduced into Russia which you could be killed or imprisoned for , if you contradicted it and opposed it, The reforms were by Patriarch Nikon of Moscow between 1652 and 1666. After 1685 = you could be executed.

Frankly this sign use is not only not in the bible, but it is used at the level of a Wicca hand gesture as it is often used to pseudo validate pure blasphemy and heresy (magic by the use of hand signals and incantations alone is considered a advanced form of witchcraft)

197) Hand signals and gestures, hand wavings, beckonings. pointings, hand signs (they even say they have the very finger John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Lamb of God with) that amount to witchcraft and sorcery by sleight of hand, prestidigitation, cardistry, trickster fingers, religious misdirection, manipulations, related to hypnotism, equivocation, Equivoque, Psychokinesis, assaults disguised as casting out devils, magic wand croziers, etc. especially related to the blasphemies of the Orthodox mass, casting out devils etc.


linked to church services similar to seances

198) Incantations. (under construction)

research the following in regards to orthodoxy....

alchemy, astrology - disguised as calendarization, horoscopes, augury, devilry. diabolism. divination, enchantment, exorcism, illusion. incantation. legerdemain, magnetism, necromancy, occultism, power, prediction, soothsaying, sorcery, spell, superstition, taboo, thaumaturgy, trickery. voodoo (cursing people = bogus anathema ceremonies/rituals/incantation). witchcraft, wizardry, sortilege, fortune-telling, hocus-pocus​, putting hexes on people.

The Orthodox Church in America

           a Puppet of Russia.

Post-reconciliation schism:

Critics of the reunification argue that "the hierarchy in Moscow still has not properly addressed the issue of KGB infiltration of the church hierarchy during the Soviet period."

( so.... you are potentially confessing

your sins to the KGB / FSB or FSS in America,

as Russian rules over the USA church jurisdiction in Orthodoxy!!)


Founded in 1794 — Granted Autocephaly in 1970 by Russia  -  denied autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

see Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia [c]

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