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Top 70 Orthodox Heresies



70) Praying for the dead .


62) The dead can pray for you !


​63) Praying to the dead


​64) Ordination, (linked to, but not the same as, Apostolic succession, that is for you to be saved witches must be ordained to top-you-up on salvation with hocus-pocus ceremonies)

​65) Hesychasm -  


66​) Aerial Toll House prayers -  


67) All saints day 


68) The Communion of Saints =  including quote


69) The Repose of souls of the dead


70) The Orthodox Prayer of Absolution (also for the Dying) : quote: 

TOP 70.

Contentious Issues:

61) They deny Christ died as a substitute sacrifice .

       The Evangelical and Protestant gospel is found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and Luke 24:44-48, and is belief in Christ crucified, buried and resurrected for salvation, repentance always being present to distinguish the belief as genuine. not some "mouthed prayer" or vain acceptance of the gift of salvation in Christ.  it at no time includes the concept of "a substitute sacrifice". As the issue is therefore neutral to salvation (that is a person can choose to have no doctrine on it and be in a condition of salvation) is not an Orthodox heresy or error therefore to chose not to accept it, but what is an error and a heresy is their outright statement that salvation is not a gift earned solely by Jesus, and their technique of always presenting that theme of the Protestant gospel as inexorably connected to the theme of a substitute sacrifice (which it is not).  ( salvation )

Hebrews tells us that "the blood of bulls and of goats cannot take away sin". Thus all the temple sacrifices of the old testament in the temple, and the yearly sacrifice for sins, could not take sin away in themselves other than by the mercy of Christ. The sacrifice of Christ himself however can take away sins, and REPLACES (or SUBSTITUTES) the clearly symbolic sacrifices of the old covenant that centre in the forgiving power of the blood of Jesus.

62) They deny Jesus was a ransom sacrifice 

       Once again the Orthodox say the concept of "a ransom sacrifice" is inextricably linked with the Protestant / Evangelical "Jesus Saves Gospel", when as we have seen "the simplicity of the gospel of Christ" in I Cor 15:1-4, Luke 24:44-48, makes not mention of it, thus a doctrine on it is not necessary for salvation. This is tactic is adopted by Orthodoxy in order to cause confusion over the two diametric beliefs about this, that is

1) The ransom was paid to God.

2) The ransom was paid to Satan (as symbolically represented in the book "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe"?) 

And whether it is ever wise to add it to the gospel message at all.  ( salvation )

note: The Orthodox falsely add both the "The substitute sacrifice" and "The ransom sacrifice" themes to the Protestant Gospel in order to cloud the central issue, that in Orthodoxy Jesus did not secure salvation for the believer in his death and resurrection, but it was only part of a synergy or "process of salvation". whereas in Protestantism he did secure our actual salvation, presented as "the gift of God" to the believer on belief.  

63) They deny the imputation of the righteousness of Christ to the believer, and the concept of "The Lord our righteousness." 

Again, this is not specifically mention in the "Jesus Saves Gospel". A new believer or "babe in Christ" does not have to specify a doctrine on this issue, to be in a present state of salvation through belief in (to "trust in" and "rely upon") Christ. Do I believe the only righteousness I have is that given me as a gift through Christ? And that his righteousness "exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees"? Yes. But I do not believe it is a specific doctrine to be believed or professed to be in a state of salvation, that is if you died then and there you would be saved by Christ because of his finished work on Calvary and his resurrection.

( salvation )

64) The descent into Hell of Christ, between his burial and resurrection (superfluous add on doctrine).

To keep the so called Catholic Faith and be saved, you must believe their view of the "descent into  Hell." It seem to me they are actually adding this into their "process of salvation" but it needs more clarification about how many of them would say that. This difficult and convoluted subject is definitely (stress definitely) not to be added into the simplicity of the "Jesus Saves Gospel" though it occurs between the death and resurrection periods.

In the Protestant Faith there are references to this, but several entirely different interpretations about what "he descended into Hell" means. It includes sometimes the concept that Christ supposedly preached the gospel (before it was even completed) to those who died in the time of Noah, as if it was a "second chance for salvation". (salvation )

Notably on the topic it is believed by many Protestants Jesus did not preach in Hell to those who died at the time of Noah, but, rather, that Jesus anointed Noah to preach at the time the Ark was being prepared.

65) 40 Day "Churching" of a baby - a mother is forced (via tradition) into bringing her child to church on the 40th Day after birth, to force the baby into attending their bogus religious services. in a warping of now "done away" law such as Luke 2:22-40 . This is connected with the indoctrination process described in Revelation 17. ( indoctrination ) ( salvation )

66) Economy, Economia - discretionary deviation from the letter of the law in order to adhere to the spirit of the law. Only bishops have such discretion,

It is an exceptionally, staggeringly serious doctrinal issue as the concept is used for instance:

1) to justify remarriage against the criteria of Matthew 5:32.

2) It may be used on the occasion of a conversion to Orthodoxy, in order to grant recognition to a baptism previously administered in a so called heterodox or schismatic church.

3) It may also be used to grant recognition to an ordination administered in a Roman Catholic or Anglican church if the convert comes from either of those communions.

A priestly form of this is in fact the basis of many controversial priest's decisions.

( doctrine ) ( sin )

67) Symphonia heresy - what this means in real terms. is that the church sees it as practical to compromise with the state in order to survive. Two modern examples of this are that huge numbers of Orthodox bishops compromise with the state (and police force) on the issues of homosexuality and evolutionism, and the so called hierarchy of Orthodoxy, including the Titular Head, turn a blind eye to this. (note - Catholic theologians hypothesise that this is how Orthodoxy was defiled by adulterous second marriage doctrines and practices)

( doctrine ) ( sin )

68) Many modern Orthodox consider the Pope "a bishop". Sorry but if it was not such a serious issue that would be a joke. The Pope is entirely an heretic.

( people ) ( salvation - suddenly not only Orthodoxy saves )

69) Graded churches

In real terms the Orthodox Church splits churches into about 10 kind, with various attitudes to where the word "church" should be replaced by cult or sect, when in reality they are entirely a cult in themselves.

1)   Grade A quality - Patriarchal Church (eg Constantinople)

2)   Grade B quality - Autocephalous Church  (Gr. "appointing its own leader") (eg Mount Athos) a church whose head bishop does not report to any higher-ranking bishop.

3)   Grade C quality - Autonomous Church (Gr. "self-rule"). (eg Finland) governed by its prelate, who is chosen by a superior jurisdiction, usually by a patriarchate.

It appears to me both types of churches often claim to be self governed, but as autocephalous churches appoint their own head, and autonomous do not, the true higher ranking church would be logically autocephalous, within the perimeters of their own unbiblical extraneous criteria?

4)   Grade D quality - Eparchy Churches non self-governing (eg. Philippines) 

5)   Grade E quality - Unrecognized Churches (eg Orthodox Church in America) 

6)   Grade F quality - Schismatic churches - (eg. Roman Catholic - to some)

7)   Grade G quality - Schismatic isolationist churches

8)   Grade H quality - Heretic churches - (eg Roman Catholic - to others)

9)   Grade  I quality - Heretic isolationist churches -

10) Grade J quality -  Lunatic fringe Orthodox cults .  ( church ) 

70) Theosis - mentioned first here as an attack on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity (thus the no.1 heresy), it is also heresy in its substance (not just its consequence) as a warped amalgam of sanctification and spiritual growth in Christ, then made into part of salvation itself in a "process" or "synergy" of salvation, when such issues are a fruit of salvation (Protestant), not a root of salvation (Catholic / Orthodox) The Devil or Lucifer in Isaiah 14 is the first to believe in Theosis, and he then tried to convince Eve she would be a goddess in Eden. In their desperation to justify themselves the Orthodox now like to fancifully imagine that Catholics and many Protestant believe in it to, hoping some people at least with "buy their lie", when they are just living in denial about how utterly warped and particular to them the heresy is. John 17:21 is just a reference to the metaphor of the church being "the body of Christ" not that we all achieve Theosis. 

( the Godhead ) ( salvation )

The Orthodox Church in America

           a Puppet of Russia.

Post-reconciliation schism:

Critics of the reunification argue that "the hierarchy in Moscow still has not properly addressed the issue of KGB infiltration of the church hierarchy during the Soviet period."

( so.... you are potentially confessing

your sins to the KGB / FSB or FSS in America,

as Russian rules over the USA church jurisdiction in Orthodoxy!!)


Founded in 1794 — Granted Autocephaly in 1970 by Russia  -  denied autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

see Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia [c]

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